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It really helps people find my work and enjoy the ride

Street niggas need a prayer..

I sat in the car with my shoes off and my legs tucked under me, just looking out the window and observing my surroundings. It was one thing about the projects that I just couldn't shake. Granted, it wasn't always shootouts every night or some shit like the news like to make it seem but you couldn't be half-stepping either. There was just so much activity that could easily be overlooked if you didn't fine-comb shit with a lice comb. So, when we pulled up to the 50th street apartments, we called them the 50s, I kept my eyes glued to the glass while Cut lit his dro. Shit was so loud it made Bose seem like a $5 bluetooth speaker.

"You wanna hit, lil ma?" Cut coughed a few times and took one more drag before handing it my way.

"How you know I wanna mess up my lipgloss?"

"Shit, my bad." Cut threw up his hands in surrender with a smile.

"Boy, stop playing." I took the spliff and the lighter from his hand and took my own baby puffs. It didn't take long for the car to get smoky but shit if he ain't care neither did I.

"So, you know I ain't ignore all the shit that happened. Don't get me wrong, its fucked up and I hope everything work out in God favor and shit. But, just know I gotchu and whatever you need and shit, I got you. Just know dat."

I shifted my eyes his direction, blunt still cradled between my thumb and middle finger. Taking my time to gather my thoughts, my thumb rubbed the tip of the blunt real slow. I could feel how moist it was from Cut mouth and mine. Didn't help that the weed made shit more sensitive.

"Ana? You good? I ain't upset you did I?"

Even though it was clear on my face the shit was still sensitive for me even though almost half a year past, before I could even answer Cut cell phone began to buzz. I didn't bother to look at the phone, I just took another puff of the blunt and kept looking out the window.

"Hello? Sparkle? Whatchu doing calling my number? Ho- hold on- Imma step out, alright ma?"

"Do what you gotta do, just don't try me." My lips curved into a smile as Cut blew me a silent kiss when he opened the car door. I could see his face got deathly serious when he stepped out the car but it was muffled over the radio.

"What you doin' still talkin' to Sharpz? I told yo-" the door shut closed and it left me in my thoughts. I exhaled the smoke through my nose and looked around at the pale yellow housing project. Some of these apartments was abandoned as fuck but they still stood proud. Guess whoever owned this shit thought it be too costly to tear down some and not have nothing in its place. But that shit made me wonder how the people staying there felt knowing they ain't getting no neighbors ever again.

While I was looking off in the distance, I saw some girl walking side to side more than she was walking straight. What the fuck was she doing out this late? I kinda had a feeling what she was doing but from what I saw she looked young. And she still looked damn good.

She had long black weave in her hair that looked neat and she had on a short black slip dress that barely covered her coke-bottle body and some black platform heels. When she got closer, I saw she had almond shaped eyes, pretty wide nose, full lips, a beauty mark and- a black eye?

"What the fuck-?"

"Sparkle! What the fuck happened to you?" I overheard Cut voice full of concern as I turned down the radio so I could roll down the window to alert him but I guess he beat me to it.

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