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Cut ended up fucking me for damn near an extra 30 minutes. I hoped I didn't have to say that the Uber left me behind and I ended up having to have Cut drop me off to the W. after Cut planted a kiss on my cheek and drove off to leave me as I walked inside of the hotel, my body felt incredibly sore. He bit my shoulder while he stroked me from behind and I couldn't help but feel like there was an underlying emotion under his pumps that didn't sit right with me. His smile was warm but his eyes were dark.

I made a promise to myself that this was going to be the last time fucking with cocaine. I didn't give a fuck how good it made me feel or how invincible it put me through situations I didn't want to be in, if this was going to be the last few nights of my old life, I had to make the steps I needed to know.

"Anaiis Hamilton, I'm checking in." I nervously pulled my suitcase closer to my hip, silently hoping that nobody that needed to see me saw me because in all honestly, I looked and probably smelled like I just got fucked. My eyes were still low, I wasn't wearing a bra with my bodycon dress and I had already spotted how the uppity white men and their snooty wives hugged onto their arms with emphasis when they spotted me in the lobby.

The receptionist silently looked me up and down like I was a stray that walked off the block. I could tell by the wrinkles deepening on the sides of her nose that she didn't even know what or why I was in such an uppity establishment and it took everything in me not to drop my suitcase and jump over the table to wild out on her ass.

"Excuse me," I interrupted her snail-paced typing with a suck of my teeth, "Is there an issue? I said my name was Anaiis Hamilton and I'm checking in."

"Um," the blonde-haired blue-eyed receptionist looked me over once more before pursing her lips up in a pout. It was almost as if she was ready to tell me to fuck off and hit the Best Western down the street. "I'm so sorry ma'am but our system seems to be down. How's about I reserve you a new room?"

"New room?" I stepped forward; eyebrow raised. This bitch was already bringing down my high with this pompous ass shit. I was just fine lying-in bed with Cut getting my back broke the fuck up and pretending on the fact that we were just so in love. I didn't need nor want this extra shit she was trying to bring about. Not over a fucking hotel room.

"Look b-"

"Oh, shit, Ana there you are." a familiar voice rang out in my left ear. As soft as it was poison, I knew it was Chyna coming up to save the day.

"Oh, Miss Chyna." the receptionist straightened her posture and beamed a gratuitous smile. Something completely different than the swamp trash scowl she gave me just a few seconds ago.

"I didn't know this was your friend. I was just telling her that the system was down and that we offered one of our rooms for her to reserve."

"Now, Bunny," Chyna made clear emphasis on her alias although her nametag clearly said Sabrina. I looked at her nametag then at Chyna, then back at her. Don't tell me Chyna knew this bitch from the club, too.

"It wouldn't be so nice for your manager to hear about how the customer service provided to us at the W was very... C-minus at best. You don't want to have to end up with your legs in the air and a certain friend of your father paying $5,000 to see that sweet, tight, little-"

"Uh- my apologies, miss-"

"Anaiis." I smirked. Now who was on the opposite side of embarrassed, bitch?

"Miss Anaiis, yes. How's about I throw in an additional stay in our Penthouse suite for this inconvenience. You and Miss Chyna can actually rest assured that your bags will be in the new penthouse suites as we speak. You ladies enjoy your stay, please."

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