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"Whewwww, shit Ana." I heard Cut's throat rumble behind me as he gripped around my waist I guess to feel if I was real or not. Chyna volunteered to drive while Cut and I sat in the backseat. Maybe to give us alone time, maybe to be a lookout.

Who honestly knows.

Cut pulled me in closer as if I was gonna float away into the breeze or some shit, Rod Wave was blasting in the car so hard that the windows was vibrating and outside looked blurry as fuck, even blurrier considering we was going 90 on i-95.

When I leaned onto his shoulder I could smell this expensive woodsy cologne that smelled like something really fucking expensive. The way it decorated my nostrils and instantly made me wet had me jump back for a second.

"Damn, boy," I laughed nervously, "What's that you got on that got you smelling so good?"

Cut flashed a confident smile at me and dusted himself off. "Chyna had picked this shit out,"

There go my stomach hitting my ass.

"I think it's called Ann- Annicky-"

"Annick Goutal Eau D'Hadrian." She chimed in with a smile I could feel even with her back to me.

"Yeah," he nodded, "that shit. Smell good, huh?"
I ain't give an answer, I just leaned in closer and started to kiss his neck. That shit made him growl and that shit made me all the more turned on.

Little did he know my heart was beating fast as hell and my hands was all clammy or at least it felt like it. I don't know what it was but none of this shit felt real.

"You looking good ma, real good. Maybe I should go outta town more often."

"Nah don't do no shit like that," I protested, "you gonna make me miss you more." I bit down on his neck and it made him suck in as much air as he could to hide that moan but I heard that shit loud as fuck even with Dark Conversations blasting.

"Then shit," his hand snaked up my dress all the way up to the hem of my panties "Lemme make you miss me when I do go."

We ended up eating at some expensive restaurant in Fort Lauderdale names Steak 954 and the whole vibe was just.. something different.

Sitting next to Cut and Chyna made it feel like I was the guest looking in and these two were on a date with each other. Maybe I was just nervous. Shit, I don't know. But it didn't feel so awkward when Rich showed up with two other niggas. One being-

"Bear?" My eyebrows raised suspiciously and my lips turned up with a scowl.

"You know him?" Cut and Chyna almost asked me in the same breath but before I could respond Bear smiled at them two while throwing his hands up in surrender.

"It ain't even like that, y'all. I'm dating her homegirl but that's it. Ain't that right, Ana?"

I didn't realize I was standing to my feet with both Cut and the scared white family looking at me to anticipate my next move. I bit my lip in embarrassment, sitting back down and opening the menu. A cheesecake really $30 here?

"Alright," Rich cleared his throat while taking his seat next to Chyna, arm already draped over her shoulder.

"So, what we drinking? I think we should celebrate from such hard work we put in. Huh, my niggas?"

"Fuckin' right!" Bear chimed in, flipping through the menu with a whistle. "I'm bout to order it all twice!"

Rich held up his hand to signal a halt and gleamed a veneer-filled smile. "Nah, just vibe young blood."

Rich fished in his St. Laurent bomber jacket pocket and pulled out 5 stacks of neatly rubber-banded 100s. His smile bright and filled with self-assurance.
Of course Chyna leaned in on Rich as her eyes did the calculations in her head. I couldn't lie, I think it had to be 5 grand minimum sitting right in my face and if this swanky establishment wasn't so snoot-nosed, I woulda screamed and clapped my ass in victory. But, I couldn't put my hand on it. This all felt like some shit off Blow.

"Dinner's on me." Rich waved his hand to signal the waiter while also sliding 1 stack to me and Chyna.
I looked down at the money without touching it, my eyes nervously bouncing between Chyna, then Cut, then Bear and finally on Rich's smoldering stare.
"What's this for?" I questioned.

"Consider it a thank you." Rich sipped his tall glass of sparkling brown liquid with a long gulp before curving his lips in a silent "woo!" before handing it to Chyna to try.

"But I ain't even do shit."

"That's the point." Cut poured the same brown liquid in our glasses and held it up to toast "You ain't do or say shit. And that earns its keep round here"
Chyna held up her glass, her full lips curving into a Cheshire Cat smile.

"To success." She mused.

Rich held up his glass after her.

"To money."

Bear held up his glass, licking his lips with his dark eyes burning on me.

"To power."

Cut held up his glass, his hand on my thigh under the table. "Go head and toast baby. "

The air felt stiff or the seat was extra cold as the group's eyes were on me. Chyna gave me a slight nod, assuring me it's alright.

I held the glass up, licking my lips as I spit the first thing to come out of my mouth.

"To freedom."

Rich raised his eyebrow at me for a split second before his smile spread from cheek to cheek.
"Fuck yeah, to muhfuckin' freedom!"

Everyone cheered and clanked their glasses together but it was starting to feel far away.

To freedom.

To silence.

To freedom.

To money.

To freedom.  

To freedom.

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