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"Listen, Ana. Baby, if this is you, please call me back. I been tryna get in touch with you for years, please call your daddy back. I know its a fucked up situation going on right now and I know you got a lot of questions but, baby, listen, whatever Kandi done told you- know what, just call me, or text me. Lemme know you okay, baby. I love you."


I could hear my daddy voice echoing in my head louder than my heart was. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to feel. All this time I thought he had my number so what was it that he was saying that he been trying to get my number for years?

And what the fuck did he mean what my mama said? What?

I didn't say nothing, I just put my phone down on the table face down and picked up my fork in silence, twirling another big portion of alfredo and popping it in my mouth. My eyes were  focused downward as I chewed, and to be honest I didn't even notice Cut looking at me. 

I didn't even realize we was in a restaurant anymore.

First Skooby going to jail. Then Junior getting killed. Then my mama almost getting killed. Then my mama pimp almost raping me. 

I took a hard breath in, feeling the burning tears well up in the corner of my eyes.

Don't do this, Ana. You on a date, Ana. Don't do this shit. Don't-

"Hey, ma, you good?" Cut voice broke my bullet train to sadville and pushed it off the tracks. 

"H-huh?" when I looked up at him I didn't even feel the tear rolling down my face, leaving a skintone streak in its place. 

Cut ain't say nothing. All he did was get up, sit next to me and wrap his arm around me. "Aye, if that shit with the waiter pissed you off that bad, just tell a nigga and i'll take care of it. But you ain't gotta cry, ma." he used his index finger to lift my chin so I could look into his charcoal black eyes. 

I didn't know why looking in them made it feel like I was looking into a tunnel. There was no fucking end. 

"Huh?" I realized I was crying in a whole ass 6-star restaurant. 

I gently pulled his hand down and shook my head in decline. "Nah, nah I'm okay. It was just-" I had to make up a lie. "Just one of Skooby ole broads trying to threaten me and shit. Apparently they think I set Skooby up to go to jail when everyone that know me and Skooby know that's a bold face lie."

Cut expression never changed from neutral. But he did retract his arm to reach over to his side of the table to grab his food. My heart was pounding hoping he would fall for my fib. 

"So, you got it taken care of, right?" he looked back at me as he stuffed his mouth with some mash potatoes.

"Y-yeah." I said flatly, moving some hair behind my ear. 

"You mind if we order drinks?" I asked as I scooted to the end of the table. I knew if I stayed there they would ID me and I wasn't even 18 yet. At least not for a few months, but still not old enough to drink.

"Yeah, no doubt. What it is you wanted?" he watched me get up from my seat with a bit of confusion. "You sure you good?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I just gotta pee." I smiled at Cut to ease the tension and it seemed to work. "Just get me a mojito, extra sugar around the rim and light ice."

Cut rubbed his hands together and smiled. "Shit, I ain't take you to be a fruity drinker. I'll get you two, then."

I winked at Cut playfully before walking off to find the restroom, my heartbeat still ringing in my ears. 

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