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We've got an inmate dispute brewing in unit D5 and requiring all active correctional officers to the premises immediately. We repeat all active correctional officers to the premises immediately.

Trinity shut off her radio and continued to escort us down the pale-colored hallway so we can go back into our cells and sit on lockdown for another 24 hours because some dumb ass niggas decided to fight over even dumber shit

I couldn't ask her what was going on in D5 but we both separately knew who was a hot topic in that cell block. The nigga that killed Sparkle. And by the dagger-filled looks on Bullet face, as ironic as it sounded, I knew he was a nigga of his word when it came to getting shit done.

And that's what scared me the most.

The other inmates remained silent as we strolled through the halls, the fabric of our jumpsuits rustling against the chains on our ankles. I didn't understand why we had to go through the motions of being pinned down like wild animals when we was just going down the hallways but I felt like there was a system to all this shit not only to physically lock us down but to mentally provide the impact as well.

Shit made me sick.

One by one, we was escorted back to our cells till it was just me and another nigga left that was in the cell next to Psych. If you ask me that nigga needed to be in that Psych ward by the way I heard him mumbling to himself the whole time there. Was he even in the visiting room with me? Shit I don't even know.

Trinity was in charge of our line and she made the decision to take the long way to this other nigga cell even when mine was about to come up in a few more steps. I didn't bother to bring it up and the other nigga didn't either, we just kept walking.

"Alrighty, Inmate, behave yourself." said Trinity to the lowkey crazy inmate. He ain't say nothing back but sniff his nose and lay down on his stomach in the bunk, scratching his peezy head and mumbling to himself.

When we both got out of earshot, I couldn't help but laugh at Trinity MO.

"So, tell me why that nigga not locked in Psych? I know I wasn't the only one peeping his shit." I mumbled under my breath with Trinity next to me,

"I mean, if he's not bothering anyone there's no reason to put him there. For all we know he could be faking it so nobody messes with him."

I nodded my head left and right in agreement. Shit that didn't like such a bad idea.

"I couldn't help but notice that Tony looked a little dumbstruck when you left from his table. What exactly did you tell him? From the smile on his face, he seemed to have good news for you. Was I wrong?"

"Nah you wasn't wrong. It was just.. Something else that had popped off that I needed to put him up on."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" she quizzed while looking forward. She always kept a poker face to not throw anything off and I won't even lie that shit turned a nigga on. But I had to focus right now.

I took a breath, pulled my jaw backwards and paced my words to make sure no passersby heard me. I knew that if word got out that I was snitching on prison shit, I would have a target on my back but I couldn't stand nobody else dying on the inside or the outside.

"Don't make a single reaction to this shit," my voice lowered as the tone got darker, "but there's going to be a hit soon on the dude that killed that girl Sparkle on the outside. I was telling Tony that his daughter is involved and that he needa see bout her. And the dude that killed that girl might turn up dead too."

"Now Skooby that's a serious accu-"

"I know that shit. That's why I'm telling you so they can put more officers in his cell or at least move him to ISO unit."

"I know, but, I don't think we can-"

"Aye whether you can or you can't, I heard from one of the niggas mouth that they are coming for that lil dude. Whether you want to make a move on it or not is on you but don't be surprised if he ends up eyes backwards in the next few weeks." I couldn't even believe how I was talking but I felt like if I kept it blood raw with her, she would take me seriously.

Trinity was silent, her disposition pensive and a little uncomfortable. She ain't say nothing else to me on the walk back to the cell and at that moment, when I saw her walk away when she closed my cell without even a goodbye or even a comment, I felt like I made a mistake. That shit ate at me but what the fuck could I do.

I was still, afterall, on the other side of this reality that we shared with each other.

I laid back down in my bunk, arms crossed behind my head and I just stared at the bottom of Papi bunk, counting the thread and watching the spiders on the wall.

When the alarms finally stopped blaring I was able to close my eyes to clear my head and eventually doze off to sleep.

I woke up to a fresh new set of alarms blaring. I didn't see Trinity that day but word circulated quickly that the nigga that killed Sparkle was stabbed in the neck by one of Bullet homeboys and died that same night. Bullet was sent to max never to be seen again in gen-pop which I thought would be the climax of the story..

Only to find out Sharps was stabbed in the shower a week later and wasn't even found till the next day.


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