𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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This story is purely fanfiction! so obsessive and yandere behavior is NOT tolerated in real life, so don't think it is okay whatsoever. This is an alternate universe, where voldemort does not exist, and Lily and James are alive:) along with the other marauders. 

also tw, this story is graphic, contains gore, obsessive behavior, stalking, etc.

you've been warned!

also this first few chapters takes place in fourth year:)

Y/N yawned, she tossed and turned, the evening wasn't smooth, it was her first night back at hogwarts, well, over a week since she had returned back to Hogwarts for her fourth year, but still.

Hermione had managed to fall asleep from the bed beside her, and y/n wondered how, she had struggled to sleep a lot, since she always had that feeling someone was watching her. Under normal circumstances, she would have brushed it off, but for some reason, couldn't this time.

The girl groaned, and noticed her concerned best friend was up. "Y/n, are you okay? she asked."I mean, it seems like you've been struggling to sleep. Y/N felt that feeling go away, and sighed."Yeah, i had, maybe this time i'll be able to fall back asleep, i just had a nightmare."

Hermione nodded, before falling back asleep.

Your POV

I admit, i lied to Hermione slightly, but she'd probably assume i'm delusional if i tell her i feel like someone is watching me, because well, she didn't have that feeling, i can only assume. I hoped I could get through the rest of the night, considering this was normal, i doubt so. Once i closed my eyes, i felt that feeling again.

So instead of getting up, i kept my eyes closed, hoping to get some sleep, and the feeling never went away, who was so interested in watching me sleep? a creep, i suppose. But who was a creep at hogwarts?

i assume nobody, since i practically knew everyone was sane enough NOT to.

I groan, but manage to fall asleep anyways, checking every now and then if i didn't keep Hermione awake, luckily she never was. By morning, i got up and changed. I was fortunate enough to be a gryffindor, i mean, my parents both were gryffindors including my entire family.

it'd be embarrassing NOT To get in, right?

"Y/N, did you get sleep last night? Hermione asked, concerned. I nodded."Don't worry about me, 'Mione, i did, and you?" She smiled."I did, I was thinking y/n, we'd meet my friends at lunch today."

"That sounds exciting."

"It is, they're dying to meet you, she joked, i laughed along, it was a funny joke after all. ""Well i am excited to meet them,too, I laugh."Do you talk about me to them?" She nodded."They said you seem to be pretty interesting, so c'mon."

She grabbed my hand and i smiled, following behind her.


Lunchtime had arrived, so i sat next to Hermione, who announced,"Meet Y/N, she's my best friend." Ron smiled."Hey, I'm Ron." I knew who her other friend was, everyone knew who Harry Potter was.

"I'm Harry, he introduced. i smiled."Nice to meet you both." "How long have you been friends with Hermione y/n? Ron asked me. "Well actually, we've been best friends since year one, I explain.

Ron nodded. I softly smile and added,"I've heard of your adventures together, the three of you, very cool, especially your sacrifice, Ron, in year one?" He blushed."Oh um, thanks, i did it for my friends. it had to happen ya know?"

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