𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Your POV

I was extremely devastated over Hermione's Loss, she was a brilliant girl and i couldn't imagine her parents' reaction to her death, i mean, actually, i could, they'd be devastated, she was their only child and now she was gone. 

i felt like crying just thinking about it.

Hermione was my best friend, and just recently, my girlfriend for barely a day, and now, she had died, nobody knew who was behind it, and i wanted to make sure that she'd get justice, so i decided to investigate on my own.

I snuck out of the dorm and bumped into harry. "(Y/N)? He asked me, with confusion in his voice. I nod, then nervously laugh."That's me, Harry, Y/N L/N herself, on the spot." He chuckled, and then frowned."I really miss Hermione, she was my best friend."

I quickly frown as well."Me too, it's such a tragedy, but i am planning to give her justice." His eyebrows furrowed."Really?" i nod."of course, she is my best friend, and would have done the same for me. See you around."


Harry Waved at you, but as soon as you left, turned emotionless.

he wasn't letting you figuring out the truth.

You normally tended to stay away from crime scenes, or any crime, for that matter, but this was Hermione Granger's death that was under investigation, your own best friend, for that matter. If anything, you assumed you were responsible, or in different situations, a suspect, you were the last one to see Hermione alive,after all, it does seem slightly suspicious.

Albus Dumbledore sighed."Miss L/N,  mind if i ask you a few questions?" You nodded, you needed to cooperate all the way, since you knew you didn't do the murder whatsoever. "Come with me then, He says, and led you to an room that seemed to be isolated in the school, you hadn't seen it before, but then again, you hadn't seen the entire school, anyways.

You also wanted the culprit for your best friend/girlfriend's murder to be caught, she deserved justice.

"Is it true, Y/N, that you were the last person to see Miss Granger alive?"

"That is true, sir."

"Where were you when the persumed time of Hermione's death took place?"

"Sleeping, i had no idea that she had died."

Dumbledore stopped for a moment, and you felt anxious, did he suspect you? you certainly knew that Hermione was murdered by someone who probably hated her guts, you weren't sure, but you assumed that was the case.

Your POV

So, if everyone else was doing shitty investigation work, I was going to solve the murder myself, sure, maybe me, an underage witch, shouldn't do such a thing. 

but i think i could do it. 

After all, there must be some clues to as who is involved in Hermione's Death, right? "Y/N, what are you doing...Ron asked me, his face clearly wet from crying. Even though Hermione and Him didn't always seem to get along, according to her, they were still pretty close friends and cared for each other.

i felt horrible that he had to suffer this way. 

and so did i, i felt bad for everyone who she was close to.

I snuck to Dumbledore's office, he was the main person in charge of the investigation, so i assumed he had the files of basically what evidence was there, or any particular suspect.

I grabbed them and snuck away, going to my dorm, i hoped nobody saw me, and it seemed to be that i was safe.

"hey y/n."

I was startled to see Harry, he was confused. "Why do you have...files? He asked me, raising an eyebrow in confusion. 

shit y/n, you've been caught.

lie, he'll believe you.

"Er, I was requested to move these to McGonagall's Office, i lie. He nodded."Okay, see you around (Y/N)!" I wave and nod, then sigh of relief once he is out of sight, i arrive to my dorm and open the files.

there was more evidence that i hadn't heard of, and a few theories, too, i could conclude my own just by looking at it all, why was dumbledore keeping this from me specifically? or any of us who were close to Hermione?

She would have wanted us to see this, right?

I continued throught it, for maybe a moment or so, then i heard the girls come in, one of them being that bitch Lyla, she always was mean to me, and Hermione,too.

"See? told ya that scum stole the files, Professor!"

No! No! No!

Angered by everything, i started to sob, then said,"Hermione needs closure, some sort of justice!" The Professors let me free, their grip had been tight. Lyla came into view again.

"(Y/N), don't you trust the professors here? why are you stealing the files towards this case? She asked, mockingly, an arrogant grin across her face. I slapped her harshly, she cupped her cheek in pain, and was about to say a word when i cut her off.

"Hermione died without an explanation, and as her best friend and girlfriend, she needs justice, you all did such shitty investigation work, so i decided to do it myself, I respond, bitterly."Clearly, you don't like Hermione or are interested in solving it, so once more, i am doing it, myself."

Lyla frowned, and then left.

good, i always hated her.

2nd Person pov

From afar, Harry saw it all, you hadn't of course noticed him, but he was there, and clenched his Jaw, Lyla clearly wasn't someone who was nice to you. He decided that his next victim would be her, she was a perfect target, after all.

all for you.

He was sure you'd love him now, if your enemy was dead, and would no longer bother you, Lyla would still bother you even if she was kept alive, he smirked, and followed the unsuspecting girl, You were still looking at the files, clueless to what was about to happen.

Until you heard Lyla's horrific screams, what was going on? You were too late to save her, as you looked over to see what it was.

Lyla's dead body, a very gruesome scene.

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