𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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I turned on the light, and realized i was in my dormitory, so why were we brought back here? we walked in the common room and led me to my own dorm? I was safe wasn't i? considering boys can't go in female dormitories.

"can someone explain to me what's going on? I demanded, and Hermione entered the dormitory.


She was concerned, worried, terrified, even, but I felt soft lips attach to mine.

"I love you, she added."and, as more than a friend." I blushed, I had no idea what to say, and Frankly, I was speechless anyways.

I sort of was attracted to Hermione but now I truly was. "Me too..I respond, attaching my lips to hers.

"And I love you too, Hermione." 

She smiled, and held my hand."Can we be a couple? I mean, if you want to..." I nod."I'd love to, Hermione." She whispered,"We can't let Harry know."


She sighed."It's complicated, but just trust me okay y/n?" I reluctantly agree, but i had a feeling someone was watching me the entire time, and i hoped it was a good feeling.

because who knows what danger lies in store for me and my friends if it's a bad feeling?


3rd Person POV

Harry was sure that his friends knew of his obsession for Y/N, because he followed them to the dormitories, and heard some shocking stuff, first, they sort of told y/n about how obsessed he was with her.

and how did THEY know that?

but it was also the fact that they were keeping her away from him, his blood was boiling, and so frustrated. He  heard Y/N demand,"can someone please tell me what's going on?" Harry put his ear to the door, and was extremely angry when he heard what Hermione had said.

"i love you, and as more than a friend."

Harry expected Y/n to reject her, considering a part of him believed she loved him back, and decided that he didn't have to hear the rest, but casually entered the room to go to his dorm, y/n and hermione were confused, but brushed it off.

had he heard their entire converstation?

Y/N insisted that they hadn't, but a part of her knew he had, well, had a feeling someone had heard their converstation.  She bit her lip, then turned back to Hermione. "Mione, do you think Harry heard? she asked.

Hermione shook her head and lied,"I doubt so, y/n, he wouldn't do that, he's our friend..." y/n could tell she was doubting her words, but brushed it off as the new couple entered their dormitory. 

Harry was extremely angry, the fact that Hermione asked out his y/n, she was his only, nobody else's. he decided that he was not going to threaten people, no, he was going to kill them, since they never listened anyway.

and if it meant his own friends, so be it. 


Harry noticed that by now, everyone had fallen asleep, he did not hesitate to open the door, closing it quietly so nobody would hear him. He had a knife with him, and his wand, he was going to slit Hermione's throat to silence her.


He slowly opened the dorm that y/n and hermione slept in, although there were 2 other girls in there, he didn't plan to kill them, since they were clueless about everything going on. Hermione was peacefully sleeping.

he pressed the knife against her neck, and watched as the blood came down her neck, she opened her eyes, and they widened before rolling back into her head, she was officially dead.

and now, y/n was no longer in a relationship.


Y/N woke up to one of her dormmates screaming, she woke up and screamed,too, there was the dead and bloody body of Hermione Granger,  her bed had been made, but she was on the floor, dead, eyes wide open, as if she had been surprised attack.

her neck had been slit, her face as white as a ghost, Y/N sobbed, she hadn't been dating her for even over a day yet before she had died, who would have done such a thing?

Harry watched from afar, smirking at his successful murder, it was his first one, but not his last. 

Y/N was sobbing, but she wiped away her tears and got dressed, Hermione would have wanted her to move on, and be happy,not be sad all day, She was reluctant on telling Ron, but decided she had to, he was hermione's best friend,too, after all.

Once she located him, she sniffed."Ron, you won't believe what happened." "What happened Y/N? He asked, worry in his voice, he still loved the girl, yet was afraid of telling her.

"H-Hermione is dead, she sobbed, hugging him tightly. "Shh, it's alright, i'm here, he whispered, comfortingly. she nodded."thank you Ron, where's Harry? he needs to know." Ron shrugged."I don't know, i'm sure he's around here somewhere."

y/n was a very naive girl.

Your POV

I was scared, and devastated, i was going to have a good relationship with Hermione, but all of a sudden, she dies and no culprit has been found yet, had they gotten away with Murder?

but she deserved justice.

I sigh, and try and to locate Harry, before noticing him nearby. "Harry! I sobbed, unintentionally bumping into him. "Whoa y/n, are you okay? he asked, concern in his voice, i noticed it in his voice.

"Hermione is dead!"

I sobbed into his shoulder, and he said sadly,"they'll catch him, i know it Y/N." "You think so? I sniffed. He weakly nodded."I know so, hey hey, would she have wanted you to cry all day because of her?"

I shook my head.

"Exactly, so keep your head high, Harry said."oh and er, she has mentioned to me how much she loved you, as more than a friend." I blush, while chuckling."Oh, well she did ask me out yesterday, but died before it got serious."

He nodded,with a weak smile on his face.

on the inside, he felt proud that he got rid of Hermione Granger.

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