𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕖𝕟

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this chapter is a time skip to fifth year, so over a year later lmao. last one was 5th year as well, clearing up confusion.

also in the books(i think, as far as i remember) there were males at the school so i am going off that since in the movies it was just females at beauxbatons <3 

You were in denial. The fact that Hermione, the girl you were in love with, survived such a horrific attack, She was supposedly buried, but apparently taken to an actual hospital in secret? At least, that was what you concluded anyways. could be entirely different.

You put the letter in your coat pocket, the coat of your mother, you brought it with you to the school, and you were so glad you did as the breeze hit your shoulders. You calmed yourself down and entered the school, you had to start again, tomorrow, after all.

Later that evening, you were in a nightgown, gossiping with Lucille on the gossip at Hogwarts, she always wanted to go there, but her parents wanted to stick to their french heritage. "Oh, are they strict? You asked. Lucille shrugged."For the most part, no, but they are proud, very proud, of being french and expect me to stay here once i graduate."

"do you want to stay?"

Lucille shook her head."I want to see the world, not just France, and...anyways, I'm bored at this school, i admit, well, i was, up until you showed up Y/n." "Er...well, i'm happy to be here, you fake smiled.

hermione's letter, stuck on your mind like glue.

You never seemed to notice that when you got on the train to your new school, Harry followed you under his invisibility cloak. His dark side was getting close to invading him, or logically, his obsession for you.

It could have been several things, the pressure of being the chosen one to his breakup with ginny, who "mysteriously" vanished a day later, but most likely, his obsession.

He told himself he wouldn't lose you again.

Lucille was a girl he despised, her high-pitched voice for one, and the fact that she got along with you so well right away, as if you two had known each other for so long. Ron pissed Harry off so much but decided to spare his life.

he already tried to once, and in the process, killed Malfoy successfully. 

Hermione he knew was dead, so he felt proud, although his good side, which was small now, knew what he was doing was the opposite of what he was destined to do.

but fuck destiny, right? screw the assigned path at birth.

You also didn't notice him watching you change into a nightgown for going to bed. You managed to fall asleep, with Harry watching you.


You woke up feeling pleasant, last night, however, was unpleasant, You had a nightmare that Harry found you and captured you for some odd reason, You prayed that he wouldn't find you, France was further from Scotland and you certainly weren't going home to England anytime soon, due to school and stuff.

However, you saw that your mother, Anne L/N, had sent you a letter, you opened it carefully.

Dearest Y/N,

I am so proud of you for everything that you've accomplished in your 15 years of life, We hope you are having an wonderful time, but also focusing on your studies rather than boys, we expect nothing but a happy and healthy daughter once you visit this summer.

If you wish to express any concerns towards us, we will answer immediately, I am glad you transferred schools, your father and I didn't think Hogwarts was a great fit for you anyways, So how is your time at school? we haven't heard from you in so long.

As for us, we are doing so well, and successful as usual, However, quite lonely without your presence in the manor, your house elf, Lilly, misses you so much, Y/n, and so do we. Are you making any friends?

also we saw the news about your friend, Hermione's death,i am so sorry darling about what happened to her, and that you have to suffer from it. You have always been such a kind girl, caring for others when you don't have to, we raised you right then.

I do not want a daughter who thinks she is better than everyone else just because she is of status, that is destroying everything we taught you. Your father, however, has become ill recently, and is in the hospital for a few weeks or maybe even months.

 do not cry y/n,everything will go fine. 



P.S We sent you a few of your dresses from home.

You opened your package, and as promised, your dresses, or some of them, were there, along with a few pants and skirts. Your Parents had always been kind-hearted people, treating Lilly, the houself, as she should be. most  supremacists considered your family blood traitors, but yours was very powerful, so what could they do, anyway?

Despite that, Draco had always admired you until he died, his family was now at a great loss, Narcissa, especially, apparently at home, your mother had talked to the grieving mother about her, she expressed outrage that Harry killed her son.

Your Mother, instead of raging at her, sympathized and understood what she was going through, you admired that your parents were nice and kind people instead of supremacists, whose beliefs, in your opinion, were rubbish.

You got up and greeted Lucille and the other girls that you shared a dorm with, some of the students were males, which surprised you a lot, but it wasn't necessarily a big deal. The breakfast at beauxbatons was always excellent and you never were picky in general.

Classes were the same, and you only had one friend, Lucille, That would all change later that day. You walked towards another hallway when you heard a girl scream, you approached her and asked,"What's wrong?" The nervous girl pointed to the ground.

There was Lucille's gruesome dead body.


Hello! I have published this chapter once more! did you guys honestly think that harry was completely over y/n and wouldn't find her again? Nope. I actually like this  book which surprises me considering i am not proud of most of my books that i've written on wattpad.

ANYWAYS, i might write a harry potter x reader on ao3, yandere style as well on there eventually, my user is xhqrrypxtterx i never changed it or bothered to since i am not as active on there as i am on here lmao.

a03 is a good platform though as well, so many interesting stories, just not one i am used to yet:)

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