𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕩

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tw in this chapter, gore/graphic details you have been warned.

Ron sighed, and then turned to you."Look Y/N, i do, but... he threatened me okay? said i had to stay away from you because apparently, you're his." You were shocked to say the least, you wanted to believe him, but you just couldn't,he could have easily just made that claim to make you hate Harry.

Ron wouldn't do that, though.

You shook your head in disbelief."You're lying, right? Please say you're lying." "I'm not, he frowned."Listen..." You stopped, then nodded.

"i don't lie about stuff like this, especially when it is my friends. okay y/n? you don't have to believe me, but one day, he'll snap and show his true colors." You knew Harry would never do this shit, so you just remained quiet. 

true colors?

Harry was a kind boy, someone who wouldn't murder their own friend.  You had no idea, though, that Harry was actually obsessed with you, and murdered Hermione because she got in the way.

his next victim? Lyla, of course. 

She was never a good person towards you, which meant she had to go, to stop making your life hell, he was willing to do anything for you, he assumed you wouldn't care if your enemy was dead because all she ever was to you was a rude and arrogant person.

Lyla was also very much in love with Harry.

She spoke about him to her friends 247, saying how handsome he was, if it was you, he'd be so happy and flattered, but Lyla was a brat, and a mean girl, a selfish person, who actually fit with Draco, so it disgusted him, she disgusted him.

Harry entered the crowd and bumped into Lyla accidentally. You didn't even notice him. "Hey Harry! Lyla squealed, with a weird smile on her face."How are you?" You glanced over to see Lyla and Harry.

weird, you thought, but didn't question it any further, turning back to talking to your friend, F/N.

"Lyla, can i show you something? Harry asked, and Lyla giggled."of course harry." She followed behind him, not seeing him roll his eyes, this bitch had to go, honestly, and she was already annoying him, she always had been.

she had a lot of confidence if she thought she had a chance with him, only y/n, really.


Lyla was lead to a dorm, it had to have been Harry's, she was right when she saw him on his bed. She figured he wanted to have sex with her, and she definitely wanted to have sex with him.

"h-hi harry, she said, blushing like crazy. "Lyla, can i ask you something? Harry asked, his wand clutched in one of his hands, she hadn't noticed that, she was too excited to be in the same room as the guy she had a crush on for a while.

He did not plan to cast a spell on her with his wand, that was the easy way out, and harry does not go easy. Lyla nervously laughed."Why do you have your wand in that hand, Harry?" "Because... He said, then stopped speaking, walking towards her, she blushed as her back hit the cold wall, her heart was beating so fast that she didn't see it coming, and glanced down. 

his wand in her torso, she had been stabbed. "w-why? she asked, before falling to the ground, blood out of her mouth and chest, the blood was now on his hands and wand.he responded,"you hurt my y/n, for many years. you deserve this."

meanwhile, you noticed that lyla had completely vanished, you shouldn't have worried, considering she never cared about you, and always was mean to you. Yet, you did, and started running around the school searching for her.

imagine if she didn't come to her parents.

that would be so sad, you didn't want that. 

You constantly searched, and then finally gave up, thinking she was in her dorm, and you went to your own dorm, going to sleep.

why were you even CONCERNED about Lyla's wellbeing? she never once was kind to you, but you were the type to care for everyone and was a selfless person, it was just your nature.

even if you didn't want to care for her wellbeing.

Besides, Lyla had a family back home. You tossed and turned,the dorm wasn't the same without Hermione, you and her often stayed up gossiping or trashing books, which was always a fun thing, but now that wasn't possible, since she was dead.

your heart ached just thinking about her.

You finally managed to fall asleep, but it wasn't possible, Ron's words echoed in your mind, because you had no choice but to put in consideration that Harry was a suspect, in the crime world, you have to consider everything, even considerations you didn't think were even possible.

and that was the same in Mione's case.


You first called her that in Year 1, the only friend you had at the time was F/N, who was popular and was more social with other people anyways, so you befriended Harry,Ron, and Hermione, who nicknamed her Mione, and so did you.

life was so carefree back then, helping Harry in his adventures was very fun, but he was a different person back then.

since his obsession for you basically changed who he used to be, and anyways, he was just a kid back then.


Morning had arrived, and you were looking for answers on where Lyla was, when you saw some of her friends crying. "What happened? You asked, actually concerned on why they were so sad. "t-they found lyla...dead, sniffed the blonde-haired girl."i bet you did it, y/n."

"what? i am innocent."

"Yeah Y/n, you always hated her for no reason, the black-haired girl accused, crossing her arms."She never did anything to you, yet you hated her, and so, we can see you did the murder, you're capable of this."

whoa, they were accusing you of murder?

sure, you hated her, but not to the extent of killing her. whoever was behind it, probably was having a good laugh right now.

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