𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕠

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3rd Person POV 

Y/N L/N was the prettiest girl that Harry had ever seen, he was stunned by her, the smile especially, he soon grew obsessed, watching her sleep, knowing her schedule, he followed her around a lot, and he knew it was an obsession, but in his mind, he was in love with her.

and it was pure love.

It started off in third year, Harry had first noticed y/n and almost immediately fell in love with her.well, more so became obsessed with her.

So when he saw Ron flirt with his Y/N, he naturally wanted to kill his own best friend.

Ron knew that y/n belonged to Harry only, nobody else.

Well, technically, he didn't. But it was obvious harry was into the l/n girl.

Your POV

"Ron, I will be right back, I promise, I smiled flirtatiously at Ron, who blushed and nodded. I had no idea what disaster I had left with.

Yes Y/N's pov is short lmao

Third Person POV

Once Harry saw Y/N Leave the table, he saw it as a perfect opportunity to threaten Ron.

If he doesn't listen, he'll kill him off.

If he does listen, he'll live.

"Hey Harry, Hermione greyed him with a smile. Moodily, Harry responded,"Hi Hermione, Ron can we talk? Privately?" Ron looked confused for a moment but nodded anyways, following behind his best friend.

"So Harry What do you need to talk about? Ron asked,concerned although based on his friend's facial expression, the feeling of adrenaline pierced through his veins.

"You know, you shouldn't take things that aren't yours, Ron, Harry said darkly, taking out his wand.

"w-what a-are y-you talking about?"

The wand was now pressed against his neck, Ron was terrified but hid his fear surprisingly well, It wasn't a spider.

"Stay Away from Y/n, Harry hissed."Got it Ron? she's mine, only mine."

Ron gulped, and nodded, before fleeing the scene.

more than ever, he was terrified of his friend.

Your POV

Ron was late to our "date", in fact he should have been at the picnic that we planned at the last-minute over an hour ago.

Tears streamed down my face, I really liked him, and apparently, he didn't like me that way.

But he didn't have to ghost me like that. Slightly rude honestly, no, really rude of him. I was very devastated, so i rushed back to  my dormitory and sobbed, i noticed Hermione in the distance. "Y/N, what's wrong? Hermione asked me, sitting on my bed with me.

"Ron ghosted me, i sniff, before leaning onto her shoulder.  "That son of a beehive, he doesn't deserve you y/n, she said."after all, you deserve someone much better, want some hot chocolate to cheer you up?"

I smile and wipe my tears away."Yeah, thanks Mione."  She nodded."I'll talk to Ron about it, don't worry, okay y/n?"


Hermione and I walked out of our dorm and i saw Ron, but he had a look of fear on his face, why the fuck is he scared? is he scared that i knew he ditched me because i definitely was pissed off? Hermione approached Ron, and i knew they had started a converstation. 

3rd Person POV
"So why did you ghost y/n? Hermione sternly asked Ron, who sighed. "I didn't want to, i had no choice, Ron whispered."Literally."

"Huh? what do you mean?"

Ron whispered,"Harry threatened me, to stay away from Y/N, and i was so scared that he was going to kill me that i listened, he terrifies me sometimes, but bloody hell, this was the first time ever that i feared for my life. i love y/n, and i feel horrible for doing so."

Hermione's eyes widened, surprised that Harry was Acting like that, she hadn't expected that sort of explanation for everything, but she for sure was not telling Y/N, it would scare her, and that wasn't something Hermione wanted to place on her best friend.

"And er... i think Harry is obsessed with y/n, Ron confessed, with a whisper."He follows her everywhere, watches her sleep, etc, i witnessed him watching her nap one time, he didn't know i was there and i never told him."

"We have to keep Y/N away from Harry, Hermione whispered, Ron nodded."And i need to apologize to her about it. i hope she isn't pissed off at me." Hermione nodded."Poor girl, she doesn't deserve any of this, and i am sorry i was pissed off at you."

"don't blame you, you didn't know, but i...truly do love y/n and always will."

Hermione smiled, then once the two friends saw Harry, they walked away, as if nothing had happened, but all they truly knew was one thing. 

y/n had to be away from harry, no matter what, his obsession was getting stronger, and concerning for other people.

especially Y/N herself.


I saw Hermione and Ron approach me, i had calmed down and decided to forgive Ron, maybe he was busy. "Y/n, i am sorry that i....he started.

"don't worry, i forgive you, it's fine."

Ron smiled, i was hoping i'd make him feel better. "Okay y/n, just please listen, Hermione said."You need to stay away from Harry."

"huh? why?"

"Can we tell you when you're safe? Ron asked, i nod hesitantly, even though i had no idea what was going on and why i needed to stay away from my friends, but i trusted them, and they clearly trusted me.

I walked behind them and felt a pair of eyes on me, i didn't really have a clue who they belonged to,because i was just trying to believe my friends and be "safe" but from Harry, but why? is he evil or something?

is he killing people?

All these Questions appeared in my head, but i decided not to ask them, and remain silent, but we ended up in an area that i was sure Harry wouldn't find us at. "Here, Hermione frowned."I-I want you to be safe y/n, and if that means away from us then...

so be it."

what did she mean by that? but then i felt myself being in total darkness.

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