𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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yea i am back and i am pretty happy about it:)buckle up this chapter is gonna be so interesting.

not checked so idk any tw.

also lmao this and sunshine are the last harry potter related books, am i sad? eh, i was out of that phase for a while, i just know it best.

this is unedited so please excuse my grammar if there are any errors, i usually get to them anyways.

btw, draco is not even canon in this story, more of so fanon than anything, and i don't even like the canon draco anyways so please remember that. 

"Y/N L/N, Please report to dumbledore's office."

You couldn't help but be angry, You were being accused of murder when there was no evidence to prove so, you hoped that wasn't why you were going to Dumbledore's office,perhaps it was something else.

please don't be me accused of murder, you thought to yourself. As you entered the office, you kept your arms crossed nervously. "Y/n, Dumbledore greeted you calmly."do you know why you're here?"

You shook your head."I don't,sir." "Well,we think whoever killed Hermione and Lyla...Dumbledore said."Might be stalking you."

You were confused, how could someone watch you so easily?you were always cautious from the beginning about that. No, you thought. there is no way anyone is stalking me.


"Is there any evidence? You asked, playing with your uniform skirt. Dumbledore nodded."I'm Afraid so, from now on, you'll be protected." "by you? you asked,sarcastically. Dumbledore shook his head, not even laughing."Harry, he's a powerful boy and no doubt could give you protection.

When Dumbledore suggested this to Harry, he immediately agreed, recently, his crimes have been discovered, he planned to do more if he had to. 

it was all for you,nobody else.

He only kept Ron alive because you were close with him and happy, and so was he, Ron had been his friend since year 1, why murder him?

but he did kill mione, his other best friend, so he could.

You smiled."Okay. I'd like that, he's my friend." Dumbledore nodded, and let her go, as she walked by, Malfoy approached her, his face was flustered. "Y/n, can i talk to you? he asked you. and you simply nodded.

despite the fact that you despised malfoy, you were willing to see if he changed at all. 

That was your personality, and you were a kind-hearted person, naive, a little bit, though,perhaps your only weakness.

Harry watched from afar as you and malfoy started chatting, he hated this, and today he had confidence to confess his love for you.

"So Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me later? He asked you, you smiled."I'd love to, see you then, Draco!" He left, and Harry approached you. "Hey, you say sweetly. "Uh, y/n...can i tell you something?"

You nodded, not expecting much.

"i...really like you."

Harry already knew what to do if you rejected him, and already knew where your date with Draco was, it would all work out, anyways.

"Er, sorry harry, i've got a date already and i only see you as a friend, you told him, he clenched his jaw but remained calm,"that's fine, see ya y/n!"

"see ya!"

Maybe Ron was wrong, Harry seems perfectly calm, You thought, before walking to the outside part of Hogwarts. You sat next to Draco, who had an smile on his face. "Glad you could make it Y/N,Draco said.

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