𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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You yawned as the train stop, you rubbed your eyes and opened them, amazed at the sight you were seeing.

you had arrived.

At least Harry wasn't here with you, but he did probably know where his parents live,of course, but you felt safe for some reason. "Y/N, come on, Hermione said, leading you off the train. "So, where do they live? You asked.

"Once more, follow me."

You nodded and you hopped on to a transportation, then Hermione whispered to you,"We're here, and don't worry, they know we're coming." That comforted you knowing that they expected you, it'd be nicer that way to you, at least.

The house was pretty nice, and cozy, at least that was what it looked like on the outside, but a feminine voice said,"Come in!" you once again trailed behind Hermione, who gave you a smile. The woman entered the room, she had long, red hair and freckles, she had a smile on her face, and she introduced herself,"Hello, My name's Lily, and you must  be-?"

"Y/N L/N, You introduce, and she chuckled."sit down, what brings you here? I mean, Hermione already told me you two were coming but, i didn't exactly know why." You sighed."It's about your Son, Mrs.Potter."

Lily frowned, and sipped her tea."I know, he's not himself anymore, Y/n, i am sorry for what he has brought you..." You smiled."It's not your fault, Lily. I know you and your husband weren't the ones who started his behavior."

Lily hugged you tightly."look, i know my son the best and... he has weaknesses,if you think he is strong with no weaknesses, that is not the case." Your eyes widened, maybe you could use one of his weaknesses against him, that would do the trick.

"What is one of his weaknesses? Hermione asked. Lily frowned, biting her lower lip."One of them is his friends turning against him, and I'm afraid that it is already happening, which means he is weakened, you have a chance to escape Y/N." A man entered the room, he had black hair and green eyes, along with glasses, it was James, because he was nearly identical to his son, they had the same hair and eye color.

"Lily, who are they? He asked kindly, sitting next to his wife. "This is Hermione, the one who informed me of their visit, and Y/N L/N, Lily explained. James smiled."Nice to meet you, i am James."

You smiled."Nice to meet you, too." James sipped his coffee, and Lily added,"Our son's here, i know it." You shivered, you could feel it too, was it motherly instinct on Lily's side? probably, like she had said herself, she knew her son better than anyone else.

"Lily, he won't harm us, James assured his wife, concern in his voice, he too, had to have been afraid of his own son. 

Y/n went to the second level, and so did Hermione, as the door opened. She noticed a door opened, Harry's room, and her jaw dropped, photos of her on his wall, hung there, papers on his desk.

what the hell was wrong with this boy?

You looked at his desk, the papers were plans on how to take you for himself, this terrified you more than anything, was he planning to do that to you? or was it... just a creepy fantasy of his? You couldn't tell, and you didn't want to know. 

You went into his closet and gasped, some of your missing clothing was in his closet, was he that obsessed with you?

You gasped and closed the door, Hermione was in Viviane's room so you followed her. "You okay Y/N? She asked you. You shook your head."Harry has some of my missing clothes, i should take them while i can."

You went back into his room and grabbed your clothes, before glancing around Viviane's room, which was pretty, she loved to draw, and her walls were pastel blue, her desk had a journal on it, You didn't want to open it, after all, it would be an invasion of her privacy.

But you opened it anyways, to the latest entry.

Dear Diary,

I am about to go off for another year at hogwarts but i want to say that i am concerned for Harry, my older brother, he always says to mind my own business but his behavior isn't normal, his feelings for Y/n are more than love, i know it.

Y/N is a nice girl who deserves better than Harry, he always wants to see her 247, writes constant letters for her, and even stole her clothes a few times,i know it's darker than what i've witnessed considering he describes on paper on how he watches her sleep and cannot wait to see her at hogwarts again.

Before this, i have always looked up to my brother, but now, i only see him as a psychopath who is dangerous and after y/n, who did nothing to deserve what he is doing. My parents can clearly see it too, but don't think it's a big deal right now, and i don't blame them, they don't see the truth.

But honestly, i'm not going to tell or point this out to Harry, because i know he'll snap and kill me, i admit it, diary, i am afraid of my own brother, because he is not sane. 

why is he even the 'chosen one'? when all he truly is, is a monster.



P.S Don't let harry see this, if he does, tell him it is a joke.

So she was also afraid of Harry, everyone seemed to have been afraid of harry, that terrified you more than anything. "We should leave, you whispered to Hermione, who nodded, and the both of you walked down the stairs.

"Are you two leaving now? Lily asked. You nodded."I think it's best that i do, i'm sorry, i promise i'll visit soon."

"of course Y/N, you're always welcome here."

You opened the door and started to walk, you felt uneasy and clearly, so did Hermione, then all of a sudden your vision started to blur, and everything went completely black.


You woke up in a dark room, tied up to a chair and tape over your mouth, at least you assumed so, you were terrified and all you wondered was where Hermione was, Tears poured down your face as the door opened. You hoped Hermione was at least alive and safe.

she clearly was taken as well since she was walking with you at the time. You saw Harry hovering over you, a smirk on his face, and he blurted the most terrifying sentence ever.

"Mine, Only Mine."

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