𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖

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You sighed, no matter what, you were never getting away from Harry, and you knew that so well. Your owl arrived with a letter from your parents you assumed.

Dearest Y/N,

Thank you for your reply, and we just saw the newspaper and are very concerned for you, since all of this must be so traumatic, we will always support and love you, should we report the sexual assault? it's up to you.

Also, Besides all of that, we're deciding that as soon as this year is over, you'll be home and we will send you to a wizarding school here since Harry certainly won't get to you,y/n, we promise that to our hearts.

We love you a lot, but we do have a few questions to ask you when you come home this summer,and it's all up to you, we don't want to force anything on you.


Mother and Father.

This was a shorter letter than usual, but you smiled anyways, your parents you always adored and looked up to. You were so anxious and traumatized, people around you were worried about Harry coming in again.

i better get some sleep, i've lacked it lately.

Your eyes closed momentarily but in those few seconds you saw blood, a body, and a grinning Harry. You gasped and realized, that may be a soon-to-be victim. 

could you see the future? or was it your mind playing tricks on you?

You thought you were delusional now, and walked into your dormitory, who was that body at least?and how was it involved with you?

nobody deserved to be brutally slaughtered.

Beauxbatons was now a school of fear, nobody dared to step out of it, yet also afraid to leave their dormitories or even go to class, which was a normal thing,but harry did not intend to harm anyone unless they got in his way.

all he wanted was you.

Of course, he didn't consider that your hatred and disgust had began after he sexual assaulted you, that didn't pop into his psychotic mind for some reason. He was actually in the school, hidden well,though.

he watched you all the time now, since he had that opportunity. But his upcoming plan would be successful, he was confident in it.

but confidence and actual success are two different things that shouldn't intervene.

you might end up failing in the end.


You were sobbing like crazy, nothing could go right anymore, and you didn't know why harry was so obsessed with you in the first place.

i saved his life, you thought, coming to realization.


"C'mon Y/n."

You were only around 11 years old at the time, first year, and you were quite excited. "Hey Hermione, where's Harry? You asked your best friend, She placed her book down and ruffled her black,frizzy hair. "I'm not sure, she started."but i think he's in his dorm but girls aren't-"


You rushed up the stairs, you needed to speak with him, immediately, it was super important, honestly, then you heard crying at the door. 

"i...don't want to be alive anymore."

Your eyes widened in sadness, he was suicidal? It never came into your mind before that Harry was someone who suffered from depression, but that must have meant he was good at hiding it. His sobs were louder.

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