𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖

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"Y/N, we're here."

You were excited, you decided to transfer to beauxbatons in France, you couldn't be near Harry anymore, because you learned he put a love potion on you and killed Draco for no reason all. Total psychopath, you thought as you hopped off the train. 

You insisted you'd write to Ron as much as you could, and you even made a friend, Lucille, she was on the train to beauxbatons, too. "Aren't you excited? She asked you. You nodded."A Fresh start, exactly what i needed."

Lucille smiled."Me too, honestly." You felt horrible... the fact that you survived while Draco lost his life and Ron in recovery for 2 days wasn't something you wanted. Ron didn't entirely tell you the truth, if he did snitch and confess Harry was obsessed with you, he'd be dead by midnight. and certainly, he wanted to live.

so, it was better to say the half-truth.

but now, as he promised, you were safe and away from Harry, permanently. you had no idea why the weasleys and your parents agreed onto this school, but apparently, Fleur, Bill's current girlfriend, recommended the school.

"So, do you think we'll be in a dorm together? Lucille asked. You nodded."I do, after all, i need a friend to talk to." Lucille spoke in an elegant, french accent, that if you didn't know better, sounded like Royalty.

You entered the school and was pleased with what you saw. Lucille said,"I went here for a while, i'm not new, so i can show you around, if you want." "That'd be nice, you respond.

"so y/n l/n at THIS school, huh?"

You nodded, reluctantly, your family was a very rich, famous and powerful pureblood family, everyone knew about it, including Lucille, apparently.

All you wanted was to be away from Harry, and you got your wish. at least for now, anyways. Lucille kept you distracted from all the difficult drama that happened in your life so you were grateful for it.

Sometimes, however, you still had Harry in your mind for no reason at all.

"Y/n? you okay?"

You turned to Lucille, then Nodded."Don't worry about me, I am perfectly fine." She nodded."Well, what do you think of the uniforms?" You cringed."Could be better, In my opinion."

She nodded, fluffing her strawberry blonde curls."y/n, this school is pretty fun once you settle in, so don't assume it's boring right away."

You laughed."I'm not, maybe I'll actually have fun here." Lucille nodded, You couldn't help but feel optimistic, a fresh start was what you needed. "I want to explore a little bit, You chuckle. 

"okay Y/n, want me to go with you?"

"it's fine, i'll find my way back."

Lucille nodded, before leaving you to explore the school, Your Mother wanted to send you to Ilvermorny, but you insisted on this school, You and Lucille had been penpals for over a year and she recommended beauxbatons since she attended the school.

However, you weren't so sure on how to fit in, considering Lucille was elegant and regal, but you decided to give your best effort. You explored the hallways, and empty classrooms, but most of all...

the library.

Right away, you were intrigued by it, bigger than Hogwart's Library, you loved reading so you were naturally excited.Madame Maxime had told you to be at least careful at the school, and planned to make you as elegant as possible, to fit in, of course.

deep down, you knew you would never fit in, even if you tried so hard. Did Lucille think so? Not really, she was just excited her only friend was going to school with her, you couldn't blame her one bit. But you were relieved to be away from the psychopath, aka Harry, you missed Draco dearly, wishing he had stayed alive.

but yet, his life, his future, was stolen from him, like that.

You flinched once you had the image of Harry at that moment, so evil, so emotionless, he was sometimes in your nightmares, if it hadn't been for Ron, you might've been next. You noticed while relaxing outside in the yard that your Owl dropped a letter in your lap, you didn't write to anyone. 

you slowly opened it,curiosity invading your mind.


I know what you're thinking, you assume i am dead and that whoever did kill me, got away with it, well actually, Dumbledore didn't tell you i survived, which surprises me as well, you may also be asking why i never came back.

i didn't want to tell you that Harry is no longer a good person, i saw it in his eyes when he first saw you. 

not that you're why.

I was assigned to see if the rumors were true, Dumbledore was a bit concerned that Harry was becoming a copy of Voldemort, who, bare in mind,has done some awful things, when he said such a thing, i told him how rude he was, Harry would NEVER be like voldemort, until he explained why.

I hope you forgive me, but let me say Y/n, that Harry attempted to kill me that night, and I was able to survive.

also, I am still in love with you.

Right now, i cannot leave hiding, i am gaining information each day, and Harry is starting to suspect that i am not dead whatsoever. I did hear you're away from Hogwarts and I am very relieved to hear that.

I should have at least left a note that night, but not even Dumbledore would have done that, Harry's a cocky, intelligent, and in all, smart enough to see it. I know and should have said this when you first met him, that he's obsessed with you.

and not in a good way, y/n. 

Your naiveness might try and tell you otherwise, but i can say that it isn't the truth, he might try to kill you in the process, I'm not so sure. 

please reply and i can see you're safe.


Hermione Jean Granger.

P.S Don't let anyone at your new school see this.

Your eyes widened as you folded the paper, you couldn't believe it. 

was the love of your life really alive?

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