𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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tw: gore/death threats

edited, sorry for any grammar errors

Under normal circumstances, Ron would not have teamed up with Draco, but it seemed to be that he fancied you as well, and it was sort of obvious by now.  "What do you think happened? Ron asked. Draco shrugged."Love Potion, obvious choice. I mean, i do know how to find a cure-"

"tell me!"

Draco sighed."Well first, we need to prove my theory's correct, then we can save y/n, are you in love with her, too?" Ron rolled his eyes."You don't think? She doesn't deserve whatever Harry has done."

Draco trailed behind Ron as he came up to the common Room, he hoped it wasn't too late to savce you, otherwise...

"Hi Ron, You greeted him with a smile."What do you need?" "Er Y/N, we have to talk to you, Ron said,and you nodded, and gave a weak smile towards Draco.

"Sit down please."

You obeyed Ron's instruction as he frowned."Look, i get it..you think you like Harry but..." "I do! you insisted.

"no y/n... it's forced."

You glanced over at Draco, hoping he'd say otherwise, but he nodded as well. You shook your head."NO! I love Harry,okay? why can't you accept that?"

"yeah dear old friends, why can't you accept we're in love?"

Ron gulped as he saw at the doorway, there stood Harry, a dark look on his face, as you engulfed him in a hug, and you whimpered."they think i don't love you..."

"Shh, he said to you comfortingly."My sweet y/n, go inside, i'll deal with them." You nodded, before closing the door behind you.

"Listen, Harry said coldly."I don't know how you two figured it out but Y/n's mine. and You can't do anything about it." "Your ego is getting to your head, Draco commented."Y/n isn't in love with you, face the facts-"

Almost immediately, Harry's wand was at Draco's neck. "You both are lucky to be alive, Harry said menacingly, his jaw clenched."I mean, right now, i could kill you, but i won't."

"y-you won't?"

"No, Harry smirked evilly."I've got a better plan for the both of you."

Draco and Ron looked at each other, and gulped, they were in for hell, both of them knew it.


Ron woke up to see you weren't around, in fact, nobody was around, it was darkness, he was tied up, and he heard,"Ron, you're finally awake." He saw it belonged to Draco, who was also tied up, except he had bloody marks all over his face.

Ron didn't, luckily.

"Harry's a fucking psychopath, Ron commented. Draco nodded."Where is Y/N? do you think she's okay?" Both of them were concerned for the safety of you, but you were making out with Harry, so in his eyes, you were okay.

they heard your soft moans and wanted to vomit.

this wasn't true love.

they felt true love for you, so they could understand well enough. Also Amortentia was effective, it was very powerful, and Harry happened to be excellent at making a love potion. They were at least happy you weren't dead, and that they were alive.

but they didn't want you under his love spell, not even a tiny bit. Ron's love for you grew, and so did Draco, your beauty was so mesmerizing.

"w-will we make it out? Draco asked, sweating like crazy, adrenaline filling the both of them. "We will, Ron assured his #1 enemy. Although he never saw himself in this situation, he was willing to risk it all...

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