Chapter 11: Noticing something different

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Chapter 11: Noticing something different

(It's still Friday)

 "So! What's up, flowerly Kid?" America started her day like this, waking Kid up, by lifting him up with her ability, hover down to the floor then dropping him on the freezing cold tiles. 

"What the hell was that for?!" Kid yelled at her, rubbing his sore face.

"Hahahaha! In your face, Flower Kid!" America shouted, as she quickly refuged outside, running as fast as she could. the door was smashed, and was swinging from one side to another, with the top hinge of the door broken. 

"What's up with her?" Luffy asked, eating his chunk of meat while taking care of his hat on the bed.

______________(later that day )

"Eat this, SUCKERS!" America ran around throwing paint balls around the hall. Nami, strolling around like a butterfly, was chosen as America's main victim. America grinned as she thought about how Nami would feel like when she threw a paintball with yellow, and made it fly to Nami's shirt making it dirty and fake confessing to Sanji at the same time( like make letters with the paint, then making it splat on Nami's shirt).


"Hmmm?" Nami replied, without turning back. Her mind wasn't back from the butterfly fields. And Splat it went. America had shaped the paint into blocks of letters and made them crash into Nami's shirt. Her eyes widened, as she felt the wet, cold feeling on her shirt. The dampish unique smell started to spread in the hall. Nami's shirt contributed with it. She felt angry. It was her D-day to confess to Luffy, and America, a newbie who has been here for only a week messes her clothes up like that?! Oh, no. Nuh-uh. Can't go over with that. Not if it was her D-day to confess to Luffy, get good grades from the from tutor, go shopping with Vivi, Robin, and Violet. Now, America Screwed it all. America, not realising the situation, kept on running and running. 

"What in the world was that for, America-chan! You're going to pay for this!" Volcano Nami burst. 

"Hahahahaha Catch me if you can, then, Nami and Nojiko!"

"Huh?" Nami said, stopping suddenly. "Nojiko? Where...?" She said, but her sister was nowhere to be found. 

"How did America-chan know about Nojiko?" Nami said to herself, not bothering to shout at those who were staring into her shirt.

________ (lunch. The dining hall.)

"AHHHH!!! I am so hungry!!!!" America shouted over the crowd in the dining hall. Ace, Luffy, Sabo and Marco were all there with her, just so that they can get help from her and to help her. This was because there was this time, when America saw Luffy, and Ace disguised poorly as the white tiles of the wall.

"Hah... I'll help you with the food got it?" America said, noticing Luffy and Ace thinking of a way to get food. 

"Yeah, yeah, We always trust each other!" Luffy said / yelled across the whole room. America smirked. 

"Yes... Yes we do. But Luffy...!" America said, quietly to herself. Then, the Plan G.F.K (Get the Food from the Kitchen) started. America turned herself to air, and sneaked into the kitchen without being seen. Soon after, around about 3 minutes, her clouds were carrying the food outside, fast.

"YEEEEAAASSSS!!!!!!! OMG America! We love you so much!!" Ace and Luffy shouted, but what they were seeing was the clouds flying away in a very fast speed.

"America?! Where are you going?!?!" Sabo and Luffy shouted across the huge hall. The clouds, suddenly stopped, and started to disperse. The food, of couse, started to fall on top of students passing by under the cloud.

"HAHAHAHAhahahha....!" America shouted, as she dispersed to air while running.

____________________(in class where Kid, Law, Luffy, Ace, Nami, and Robin are) 

"Hey guys, don't you think it's quite weird?" Ace whispered when the class was silent. The class was a dome, 6 people trapped in each cage. In the cages, 6 desks were in a circle, making it easier for the 

"Silence!" Hina shouted(that pink haired prison marine).

"In what context?" Nami said, thinking about America's behavior in the morning.

"I mean like, she was so nice to us 2 days ago, but now, she's a COMPLETELY different person!" Ace said. Luffy, Kid, and Robin looked up from their books. Law sat on his spot, listening to the lecture, and paying attention to the conversation.

"Yes, I found it quite weird that her attitude changed so suddenly too, Ace-kun," Robin whispered. The hurdled group nodded in agreement.

"Seriously, and somehow, America knew about my sister, Nojiko, you know," Nami spoke again.

"Do you think that she's acting?" Kid said, rather calmly and quietly.

"NO! Then how would she know about Nojiko?!" Nami whispered in a quite angry tone to Kid. 

"Guys, what are you talking about? America, is America," Luffy said. "no one can be her." Nami's face darkened.

" give you a clue," Law began, " she has the features of dissociative identity disorder, or to put it in a simpler way, multiple personality disorder."

"I have no idea what you are saying now," Luffy said.

"He means that there are 2 personality traits in America, which are different from each other. So basically, it is like there are 2 people sharing the same body, Luffy. Hope it helped," Robin whispered, when she saw Hina coming by this way. The teacher glared at the cage where the conversation had just ended, and turned away once again from the cage. A sigh of relief was let off from Nami's mouth. Hina, stopped dead, and turned her head around, so that they could see her eyes squinted together, showing that she is very, VERY irritated.

"Nami's cage. Detention after this lesson, until the end of lunch, for making so much noise in my class."

"NAMI!!!! WHY DID YOU SIGH?!" the others shouted at Nami.


Another Chapter done!

America, suffering from dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder?

How did Law know about that (he's a surgeon, not a psychologist, so... yea)?

________ ?! ( I won't add this question, cuz this is simply just giving away the plot.)

I'm starting to approach the good bit now, fuffuffu... (and I be like write 20 more chapters then say the good bit's close enough... JKJK)... It's expected to come out after around about 2~8 chapters later... 

I bet you guys will be like "What on earth did I just read here" when you read my plot twist!

Hope you liked it!



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