Special! Miachi the Casino Owner

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"S'up. Who are you,"

"Miachi." he said in a slightly higher tone than his normal voice. Miachi glared at the tall man, as the tall man stared him down.

"Well then, you should go away and stop bothering, Shitachi," the man cackled as he drank his bottle of rum.

"? Behahahaha!! Shitachi? Man, you're still pathetic as ever, Habiryu Ghanon."

"How the fuck did you know my name, brat," he shouted, but was cut short.

"Yes, I know you because you went to a Casino that I run... Even though I contact every casinos in the world... Could say that I run all of them. In fact, I was the one to send you here a few months ago. I should've sent you to the Impel Down then, because first reason, you came into the Casino I stay in most of the time, second, you broke the most expensive, popular roulette, the big wheel and!" Miachi was taking the lead now. The man in his middle ages, gulped, as he hoped that the 21 year old boy wouldn't remember.

"my personal Black Jack board that I designed myself." the 21 year old boy said.

"I...didn't mean to break it, Mr. Mia—"Miachi struck the man's face.

"You know what? I'm going to forget about the whole thing," Miachi began.


"by casting you into my 2 clover card." he said as took out a sphere from nowhere. The sphere was made of what seemed to be glass, and had a lid on one side (so basically, imagine a transparent hamster ball) . "but I'm not that heartless to force you into my card, because I play fairly. So! Try and win the game of Black Jack here." He smiled as he opened the lid of the spere. The man started to glow as Miachi closed the lid.

"Sayonara, Mr. Habiryu Ghanon. It was a pleasure meeting you," he said as he watched time go fast and the space in the spere as the glass started to thicken inside of the spere. The tiny man inside shouted in anger and confusion, only to see Miachi waiting. Everything seemed to go slow outside to the man in his middle ages. He decided to play the game, and thought easily.

"This is actually easy! I might win this thing and when I get out, I'll kill that boy," he said grinning, but his smile didn't last for long.


"Ah! That was a quick game. I hope the other cards teach him what he has to do and all of the rules," he said, walking off from the dim light and walked towards the very quiet Academy.


"Hey have you heard of the new guy? No, actually he's not exactly a new guy. Like, he came yesterday when everybody was asleep, and found his room by himself! And also, some people went missing!!! I don't know, like 3 people went missing already!! Even this drug addicted guy called Ghanon went missing! I bet he's just wondering around somewhere else..." The girl next to America chirped.

"I'm very very sorry Hana, but can you talk to someone else, because I really need to study for my test (same for the author!!) after registration..." America said, pleading her to go. The girl called Hana nodded in respect and walked up to some other girl across the room. The room started to chirp again. The room is still loud and annoying... Ugh, why didn't Shanks tell me about this until now!! America thought, as she applied force on the mechanical pencil. The lead peaked it's head out, but was soon beheaded. The weather that seemed to be nice, had suddenly become very humid, as America's attempt in making her feel better by listening to music went to the bin.

"Miachi, say hello to your class for now," Mr Haribo began. America looked to see a boy about her age (she's 17. I changed it), maybe a bit older, with blue eyes, white skin, cute, yeah. Almost everything that a girl would like. the girls in the class except for Nami, Robin and America squealed with delight, and started to fangirl."Introduce yourself, uh..."

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