Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: first day

"So... This is One Piece Academy..... I thought it would look more like a smashed potato... It's already 11 pm..I should go in...Now, where is the guy I'm suppose to s...*Crash!* Luckily, I was outside the gate, so I was not hurt in the wall breaking incident. Just what is wrong here!?

" Kuso marimo, F*** you."(Kuso = damn in japanese) said the man with yellow hair, removing the heavy wall parts from his legs as if it were nothing.

"Aarrggh... Just what did I do Question! you ero-cook!" Wow! A green haired man.... Is he a...holy smokes, he has swords!

"Damn yo... ....ahhhh!!! A lady!!!!!" So you're finally noticing me... The yellow haired man came to me doing a noodle dance. That's unnatural for a human... He must have been sent here because of his  mental problems. The yellow haired man was saying this stuff like: "Ah, Madamoiselle, you are like a dove in a murder of crows..... Ahh!!! This is the power of love!! Miss, we should get married !!!"

When I saw him charging like a bull, I slid to the side just as he tried to hug me. To think of it,  I think it was a bad idea, because there was a bit of mud, then a mud pool behind me.... Poor man... He had gotten his suit wet.....Just how cruel am I... Worrying about his suit instead of him...

It is basic manners to help people if they fall down, right? Well... at least for me... So, I helped him up and directed him to the cosplay guy with the swords. The green haired man's eyes were piercing right through me. 

" Why are you staring at me?"

" Because you are unusually kind to be in this crappy place." Nice words to describe this building (sarcasm).... Maybe he's not properly educated.... Thank God this place is like a school... Only there are fights between him and the....

" Hey, girl! Are you listening?"  asked Green haired guy, in a angrier tone.

"Huh?? Sorry I wasn't paying attention. Can you repeat?" 

" What are your reasons for being here?... Or let me guess... Sent here?"

"Well, I kind of dr..." My speech was cut because Green haired guy, just grabbed my hair, and threw me into a bush.

 What kind of man is that!!!! just what the h...he...hell!! First time to say "what the hell".... What a bad feeling.

Then, the yellow man woke up (he had fainted from his head injury (remember?? He had slipped on the mud), and I muzzled him because I wanted to listen to the conversation between a red-haired man and green hair, secretly.

" Heh... Have you see a girl with long hair, a cute face and a  black suitcase, Zoro?" asked red hair. Oh. So Green hair dude's name was Zoro...

"No. So don't bother me. I'm trying to find the ero cook..."

" Then what's that behind you? ...Zoro.... Don't tell me that you have cut her into pieces and thre..."  red hair said looking at my suitcase. Suit case??? oh right I had forgotten about it....Oh. Jesus Christ. Why didn't you give me a brain so that I can actually remember where my belongings are...

"JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM!? A BRAINLESS MORON?!"  Cutting half-way through red hair's words. Just how did Greeny read my mind?

I stood up, acting like I had fallen down with yellow. " Aww.. That sure was an impact strong enough to break bones... Hey, yellow.. You alright?" 

Thankfully, he knew what I was doing and played along. " Yeah. Thanks for carrying me... Uhh, what's your name?" 

"America Dhawk"

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