Chapter 10- The start of an annoying weekend. D-1

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Chap. 17- The rather annoying weekend. D-1

"It's already Friday?!" America shouted. The weirdly-normal week had passed already, and it freaking felt like a year for her. The class was very noisy, as Nami, and Vivi chirped about the new make-up which was now available in the academy store. When the form teacher came in, the class was very silent, as if the whole room had been splashed by freezing water by surprise. Of course, exceptions to some of the students who were either curious about what's going to happen during the weekend, and those who felt the news unnecessary. 

"Yea, didn't you notice?" Luffy said, scratching his head. His eyes glanced at the gap between himself and the desk as the teacher started to call out the register.

"So during the week-end, what do you have to do?"

"Hmm? In *munch* what way do *munch* you mean?" Luffy asked, revealing the substance that was covered by the table and part of his legs. He munched on the cooked flesh that none other than his brother Ace, had cooked for his breakfast.

"I mean like do we have to clean the academy, or just stay in our dorm rooms.......?" America, who was now known as the '', slumped on her chair, only to touch her room mate, Eustass Kid's desk which was scribbled with all sorts of doodles of stick men and things which were unrecognizable. 


"What." hearing his short answer, America gasped.

"Mr. Halaboo! I think Kid is in desperate need of some medication!!!" Her voice alarmed the whole class, and they started to chat, in this slight confusion. (A/N. Yeah. I know. There's no character named Halaboo in One piece. I just made him up as a form tutor...)

"Be quiet!" The class went silent. "Explanation?"

"Kid was just like "what" instead of "What the" to me."

*Everybody sweat drop*



"Please shut up, and listen to the damn thing I'm saying."

"Yep. Of course Mr. Haribos...pfft... I'm sorry, I'll shut up." She said, sarcastically. Mr. Halaboo shot a glare which could have stood a chance to take away the title "Mr. Glare face" from Mihawk.

"Very nice of you, America. Now to continue, this weekend, there's going to be an event."

"Man, you gotta tell me abou... Sorry again. I think I should go to the nurse because I'm having mood swings now, and i really want to suck the air out of this classroom." America said, her face down and hand up.

"Luffy, go take America to the infirmary. Oh, and take Kid as well. He seems... unwell."

"Ok. C'mon Kid, America! Gosh, I can't believe that you guys are going to the boring infirmary again. I mean, you guys went there like a week ago!" he shouted, but was scolded by a teacher in a room. The three walked in silence, until someone behind them said,"Yo, what brings you guys here? Exception for Luffy!"


"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, I was just having a serious mood swing, and like this time, it was just pure anger..."

"and thennn...?"

"I wanted to take out all the oxygen in the classroom." America said, and changed her face to a slightly displeasing mixed with a smile...

"Yeah, right. Like heck I'm going to trust what you're saying tiny coffee," Kid interferred, only to make America's face expression worse.

"HIIIIK! Kid! Cut that out! I don't want to be sucked into the mess you are making right now!" Ace said, and breathed loudly, and said," I don't want to be in the same situation where I can't make fire or breathe properly! OK?! I hope you English, and just don't make our Amy angry..." He said, murmuring the last part. America laughed quite hard, until Mihawk came out and scowled at her.

"Soz, Mihawk... I mean, Mr. Dracule or... Mr. Mihawk....dunno what to call you.... I'll be quiet"

___________(arrive at the infirmary)

" Arigotou Luffy, for taking me and Kid to the infirmary!"

"Sure~! But you have to join my crew, OK?" Luffy shouted, as he ran back the way he came before. The hall was silent, as Kid and America kept quiet infront of the infirmary. 

"So do you want to go in first?"

"Yea, sure. haha I'm wondering, why are you so nice to me now?" America asked, with pure innocence flowing behind her. 

"UHHhhhhh..... None of your Eff-ing business woman." 

"YEA, that's the Kid I know!!! You're back! Yay! But then, it's going be bad, because you're going to be like in the same, ol' grumpy Kid mode all day long..." America touched the door to open, but her eyes changed. 

"Kid, something is in there."


"Yep. Definately."

"Something I can handle??" 

"Maybe, but think you're going to get out of there in like after 10 secs."

"Hmm. Ok. You stay here, and I'll go check. Got it? If I find out that you were just joking with me, I'm going to kill you for sure,"


"you are so dead."

"Hahaha.... Just check first! I dare you to open the door in like crash the door."

"Like heck I'm going to do tha..." He said, and opened the door while looking at America. He turned around, but instead of seeing law, he saw something that would be marked as a (15+). (No, you pervs, it is not h*ntai. the 2 inside were only kissing)



"Sorry. (/////-\\\\)" Kid said, smashing the top side of the door ACCIDENTALLY (but the door still had the handle attached to it). By this, America saw what was inside, and ran away from the door. Kid stood there, and tried to fix the door SLOWLY, but made it worse. In frustration, Kid smashed the door whole, and just made the door's exsistance disappear from Earth.

"Meh." he said, and left the hall way, guessing where America went to.


S'up guys. I haven't updated in a while... sorry. I know that explaining will only be an excuse to make me feel like I have done nothing wrong so I won't make any excuses. 

I have no reason for this late chapter.... 

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :D

(Recently, I heard that someone in my year group, was going overboard with his or her bad mouth... and It's about me. Welll... Haters gonna hate! I can't have fans all my life, so yea. I don't really care about what that person says, until that human being does something worthless, such as insulting my friends in front of me. If he or she does that, I will never forgive that person until they appologize.Just sayin' ! :D cuz I have a really bad memory of how bad I felt, and how I used to run away from those people who kind of 'cyber bullied' me. I'm over it now (After 3 years). This had a huge impact on ma life so, I just can't forgive people who says bad things that they can't even say infront of the subject him or herself. Yea. hahahah)

As Bellemere says, "No matter what happens, don't be sorry you were born. Even though nobody praises us, don't forget to smile in any situation. As long as you're alive there will be better things later...and there will be many."

Hope you enjoy the chapter, I will try and update faster, ignoring the depression I am having now.


Vote (exceptional hahaha I want nothing other than people who reads it and know that there is a person called (_____) out of 6 or 60 ( can't recall) billion people who are living in Earth. 

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