Special 2! Miachi the Casino Owner!

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America stood beside Miachi, who held a card in his hands.

"It's very convienient to have a person with such strength and possibilities for an ' Ace' card... Thank god that I saved a place to put one of the strongest here... Ne? Ace-chan?"

"Ass. You seriously don't know who you summoned just summoned now, money making bastard, Master."

"Ah! It was you Ka...!" Miachi began but was blocked by America's body smashing her hand on his mouth.

"don't say my name, you idiot Master!"

"Ah! Right,Ka...!"


"Gomen, Ka...!"


"Ugh, it's so annoying because I separated you and our sweet America chan, because she's nicer than you, my friend," Miachi stated, but was ignored.

"...I do agree on that, my very rich master, but consider this. If I were allowed to hit you by the law of Ace of clubs, I would have kicked your ass away... Which would concern me because my life span will decrease if I'm far away from you. So the point is," She breathed in."Fuck you, you little midget master."

"Ahhng! friend-chan! You're not suppose to say bad things regarding to the body you have! She's suppose to represent the pureness here, unlike you!"

"I will literally kick you scrawny ass of your desk as soon as I get my body, Miachi...Master. Ugh, fuck the rules you made for the servants of cards! Master." She knew that one rule of the card was to say 'master' at least one time in her sentence. In annoyance, she blew a wall beside the hole whe made a moment a ago.

Nami flinched in terror, and thanked that she wasn't on the other side. she started to hear faint foot steps. It was quite fast paced, and was heavy. It was no other than the agnorant red haired man on other side of the corridoor. Kid, seeing her on a wall, tried to call for her, but was shut by the orange haired girl motioning to shut up. Kid merely tilted his head in awae.

'Ok. Now Kid come a little bit closer...!' Nami thought as she slowly signaled Kid to come closer, with one arm.

'What the hell is she doing?' Kid thought. He didn't get the idea of 'quiet' at all.

"Hey Nami! What the hell are you doing there?!" Kid shouted, walking across the hole. He stopped once again as he saw America in the corner of his eye.


"Ugh! Now look what you've done, master! You brought people here because of your fucking voice!" America shouted.

"Ehh!? I didn't do it! You were the one to shout all the time, right? America-Chwaan?" Miachi said, in Sanji style.

"Why you..." Kid began, and charged at the man.

"America! Guard while I escape!"

"Keh! Fine, Miachi," America said while holding Kid off with a card between her middle finger and index finger.

"What the hell?!" Kid shouted in surprise, as he noticed his weapon getting sparks from the small card. He drew back.

"Hehe... Defense," she said, smirking. The card disappeared before his eyes, turning into smoke.

"Nami! Call the others!" Kid shouted at the orange haired woman who trembled in fear in sight of their fight. She nodded, and ran away.

"Well, she could've helped you, Kid," Her face smirked.

"Shut up! I sent her away because she's deadweight!" Kid reputed, but was hushed by America's slender finger up his lips.

"Hush... Didn't you say that to a girl before? I did hear that you've injured her heart quite dearly, flowery," America's body said, before her eyes went blank, her body going limp suddenly, falling towards Kid. He caught her by arm, as she slumped in mid air, only having Kid's support to avoid the crash.

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