yamazaki kaito

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uh what time is it? 7 am.

Going to Nekoma High School means you really have to keep up with your performance.

I went downstairs & saw my mum. Apparently dad left us when I was 4 but he passed away due to an accident. Another reason not to get married ✅

but honestly no hard feelings. We still visit his grave though.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Mum greets me with her soft smile but I know she's exhausted of taking care of me & my 2 older brothers but now they are in college.
"Ittekimasu" I slipped on my shoes & Nekoma here I come!

Another day, another living.
Ah my beloved class. Class 3-2. I went inside & was greeted by my classmates.

"Yo" & that's my best friend, Yamazaki Kaito. Here's a little story of our friendship.
first year of high school
my tummy felt an excruciating cramps but I really can't excuse myself because the teacher was super strict so I had to endure the pain.

omg I didn't bring any pads.

When the lesson's over, I waited for everyone to leave the classroom for recess but there's one student left. Screw it, I really need to find pads.

I got up & I stained the chair too. That's when he stepped in.

"Woah, you're bleeding. Do you have any pads?" He asked calmly. I was taken aback because boys never asked that. "No" I looked away in embarrassment. "That's fine" He dug into his backpack & pulled out a pad.


he handed it while wrapping his hoodie around my waist. "S-stop, it'll get stained too" I protested. "It's okay! I'm not afraid of any period"

"t-thank you" I rushed to the restroom.
10 minutes later
As I entered the class, he was still there & my chair has been cleaned. "d-did you wipe my chair?" This is so embarrassing. "Yea, I brought my wipes. Anyways, you good?" He asked. "Yes, thank you so much" we eventually had lunch together.

"Uhm so why do you even have pads?" I asked out of curiosity because who isn't? "Well, I have 3 sisters & they jokingly put the pad in my backpack & they said it would become handy. I'm glad they did that though."

That's how he's now my bestest friend. No, I never had a crush on him because that's just him.

He's naturally nice & caring. That also explains why he's the president of the student council.

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