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It's currently 6 am. I'm restless. I really hate that captain & his ex girlfriend. I put on my running gear & went for a run. I keep on running until the sun's almost up. Oh shoot, I have school.

Thank god the teacher isn't here yet.

"Hey Kaito" "Morning y/n" he sighs in frustration. There's yet another love letter on his table.

"Ooo another confession?" He nods "I really don't want to be the typical senpai that rejects everyone yet I am that senpai" "Well, you never give them a chance though, why?" "Y/n, i'll break their hearts later which is even worse"

I nod in agreement. "But like you're already in your final year. Why not explore new things other than studying & student council? At least, you won't get stuck with me forever." He shrugs

"you're right. We'll see. Also, I don't mind being stuck with you forever." "Me too."

later that evening
I am stuck with cleaning duties. I hope everything's doing well with Kaito.

As I'm done cleaning the classroom, I sneaked into the pool. Yes, I am in the swimming club. Yes, I have the spare key. The reason why I entered this club is because man the water really calms me down.

I dipped my feet into the water & relax.

Before I could daydream any further, it's almost 7. Back to reality. When I was leaving school,

I heard someone called me. That voice.

"Suzuki y/n" i stopped in track but didn't turn around.

"You're still here?" it's the captain again. "Yea, cleaning duties" I replied shortly. He's with his friend apparently. "This is Kenma" we just slightly bowed at each other. I mean he seems like the quiet type.

So I just learnt that his name is Kuroo Testurou. I swear I would never tell anyone about not knowing his name.

"Bye Kuroo, Suzuki-san" Kenma waved effortlessly. I still like his hair though. "wanna eat ramen?" Kuroo suggested out of the blue. Before I could turn him down, my stomach growls. One word. Betrayer. "sure, let's go."

kuroo testurou // his attractionWhere stories live. Discover now