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"tadaima! Mum we have a guest"

"okaerinasai" Mum greets Kuroo with her usual warm & welcoming smile. "Hi, please come in. i'm Suzuki Akari"

I never understand why mum still keeps dad's last name. That guy left us. "Kuroo Testurou." He bows respectfully. Kuroo observes the room & he didn't miss the chance to look at my family picture.

" Those are my brothers if you were wondering," " Two brothers huh" "Come kids, let's eat."

"So, Kuroo-san are you y/n's classmate?" Mum starts breaking the ice. "No, i'm from class 3-5" "what club are you in?" Oh so this is a q&a now. Great, this is what you get for having a big mouth. "I'm the captain of the volleyball club. Our school's team is pretty strong"

As few minutes passed, Mum keeps bombarding him with questions which he didn't seem mind answering. "How did you become friends with y/n? She never mentioned you before"

"Well, I've always seen her at school but never had the courage to say hi because she's really beautiful but then I just decided to approach her" yea, at the bra store, wait he called me beautiful?

I stepped on his foot. "Ouch! What was that for?" "Stop talking nonsense"

I looked away so he won't see my now flustered face. Mum just laughs at our interaction.

" Thank you for dinner. I'll be leaving now" Before he could leave, mum interrupts.

"Y/n, go send him off, it's already dark outside" gee thanks a bunch mum.

"Your mum is lovely" he states breaking the silence. "Yea, it's sad that I'm not even close to being like her" he stops walking & looks at me. Staring deep into my eyes. "That's what you think" he says while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You really like touching people huh"

I tried to play it cool although millions of butterflies are formed in my tummy. "Only with the ones that I like," he gives me a sly smile. okay okay this has to stop. I pushed his hand away.

"Start talking nonsense again, I stop talking to you" He just smiles softly. "Goodnight, y/n" "Bye Kuroo"

kuroo testurou // his attractionWhere stories live. Discover now