being suzuki-senpai

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I thought I was gonna have a decent morning at school but suddenly,


that awfully annoying voice. Wait, I can't remember Kaito's girlfriend's name. "What can I help you with?" I tried to keep my tone calm.

"Let's just say, I want you to stop being friends with Kaito-senpai. You're ruining our relationship. So selfish of you."

I sigh in annoyance.

What a really bad timing.

"First of all, Kaito's my best friend! I met him first, therefore he's mine. You're just someone who came into his life. Secondly, I was the one who convinced him to give you a chance because he was definitely gonna reject your damn confession."

"You're really not gonna like the consequences, senpai" she adds.

"Oh please you're threatening me now? Give me a break" I slammed my shoe locker & left.

When I entered the class, I immediately went over Kaito's seat.

"Hey, you know I hate being confronted right?" He looks up from whatever he was doing. "Oh absolutely. You despise it,"

"Well yea, your girlfriend kinda did that" He immediately got up, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" "No but lmao she threatened me" "I'll talk to her later. I'm really sorry"

Is our friendship even relevant now? Because I felt a slight hatred towards


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