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As I entered the classroom, I saw Kaito at his seat.

"you cheater!" I started.

He looks up, "wait, you knew? how? I wanted to tell you first" with that I explained everything from a-z. "we got him so good!" he says while practically rolling on the floor. "that's what I told him too!"

"anyways, what's your story?" I asked while smirking. "well, I met her after school yesterday & she seemed nice & wasn't pushy at all. So I told her that I would give her a chance but I did say sorry in advanced though. She's also a second year" the smile that appears on his face is different. Is it love?

"Ooo it's the typical senpai & kouhai love story. Then you're gonna give your button to her when you graduate." I said mocking him. "Hey! but true. why am I always the typical senpai?"

after school 🩰

"Are we walking home together?" I ask while packing my bag. "oh, probably not today. i'm walking home with Harumi-chan" idk why but I felt stabbed in the heart. "Oh yeah, I forgot that you're taken" I nudged him jokingly. "That's fine. I gtg bye Kaito" Swimming club here I come.

"good job everyone! you may now leave" the captain announced. Being alone with my thoughts will only make it worse.

Kaito's gonna leave me. Is this what happens when you only have one best friend? He's gonna stop being my friend. I started crying but then I heard someone.


It's Kuroo. What is he doing here? He didn't ask why but instead he does it again. He wipes my tears away with the familiar touch. I slightly pushed his hand away.

Let's not put our guards down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him first before he could. "waiting for you duh"

"I never told you what club i'm in"

"yes you did" (no she didn't, Kuroo broke into the office while Lev guarded the door)

I didn't have the energy to argue so I just said "sure whatever you say," Our hands keep on brushing against each other. Pull yourself together! I hate men. "you wanna grab something to eat?" Kuroo asks breaking the silence. "no thank you, mum's cooking dinner"

& from this exact moment is where I felt like slapping myself.

"Do you wanna join us?"

My eyes widen from the realisation. "won't I be interrupting?" "nah, there are only me & mum, she cooks a lot too. There's always leftovers from previous dinner" I explained while mentally screaming at myself. "sure, I guess"

kuroo testurou // his attractionWhere stories live. Discover now