stargazing tragedy

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Time flies so fast!

Today is our last day. Another day, another great practice as usual.

I've been planning to stargaze tonight since it's the last night here. For some reason, the night sky here is incredibly breathtaking.
1 am 🫂
I sneaked out of the room & made my way to the hilly grass. Yes! Finally I get to be by myself. But then, I saw someone.

No that can't be him.


I got closer & closer towards the person & there he is. Kuroo Testurou.

"Y/n? Why are you awake?" He asks looking slightly shocked at my presence. "I'm the one who should be asking you that"

I proceeded to lay on the grass just like him.

"I planned to stargaze on the last day at training camp" I briefly explained. "Me too"

I felt him rolling towards my way, closing the gap between us.

We ended up cuddling on the grass. My head is on his chest while he wraps his arms around me.

"Kuroo, what are we?"

"I'll leave that to you, y/n" while lightly tapping my nose. "The moon is beautiful tonight" he stated calmly.

Wait, literally? Or?

We ended up staring at each other. This is when he starts leaning in.

No, I can't do this. I really can't.

Instead I looked down to avoid the kiss from occurring.

"w-we should go, i'm getting cold" He then starts talking as I was getting up.

"What's with this wall whenever you're around me? Am I not good enough for you? Is it not obvious enough that i'm in love with you?" He keeps on adding & adding.

Eventually, he grabs my hand. This time, I had to let it go.

"Kuroo, let's get real. Nobody will love someone for the rest of their lives! They'll end up falling out of love. There's really nothing to like about me anyways. You'll leave me too eventually. Just please stop this," with that being said, I took off as tears fell down my face.

We didn't even sit next to each other on the bus nor interacted with each other.

i can't love him.


I'm afraid to love him.

kuroo testurou // his attractionWhere stories live. Discover now