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Lompoc - Los Angeles.

It's been 2 years since Dominic beat up the man responsible for the death of his father.
Jack Toretto was pushed against a boundary wall by Kenny Lindner during a stock car race.
His car caught fire right before Dom's eyes.

When Kenny showed up at the Toretto garage a week later to express his condolences, Dom ran at him furiously and hit him over and over with a wrench.

Dom wouldn't have gotten away with a three-year prison sentence if his friend Vince didn't stop him at the last minute.

Today's the day. His Release - 12 months earlier, thanks to good guidance.

As Dom leaves the gates of the maximum security prison behind him, Vince walks towards the mechanic, beaming with joy.

"There he is! Welcome back, buddy."
After a quick hug, Dom throws his stuff in the backseat of his best friend and gets in.
"Nice car."
"Yeah. Won it at a race in Hawthorne 3 weeks ago. I was so good man!"
Vince replies euphorically and talks for a while about his newly acquired blue Nissan Maxima A32.
"How's Mia? Did you tell her 'bout my release?"
"Good. Of course not. Kept it a secret, like you said."

The last 2 years have been tough for the Toretto siblings. Due to the early death of their mother and the horrible accident of their father, Mia and Dom have become orphans.
And with Dom's knee-jerk reaction, he couldn't even be there for his little sister.

When the guys finally arrive home and close the front door behind them, they can hear Mia's loud voice calling from the kitchen.

"Vince?! Why the hell can you never clean up your dishes?!..."
She hisses from afar.
"Mia, come here! I've got something for you."
"Come here!"
"If its another plate then I'm gonna kill you, Vince. I swear to G- Dom?! What are you doing here?"
His sister wraps her arms around him tightly, before Dom can finish speaking.
"I thought you weren't coming out til next year?"
"Good guidance. Wanted to surprise you."
Dom smiles and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

The three talk in the living room for a while until they get interrupted by Leon and Jesse - who just returned from the garage.
While Dom was in prison, his friends and Mia took care of it and their Market & Café.

The boys chat with Dom about news while Mia prepares dinner in the kitchen.
A few minutes later, the five sit down at the dining table and after Dom has said the prayer, the boys grab the food at lightning speed.

"What's up tonight?" Leon asks and reaches for the salt shaker in the middle of the table.
"There's a house party at Marvin's. And a race in Ladera Heights. At midnight."
Jesse informs.
"Got the Mazda here?"
"Yeah. Filled up, tuned up and upgraded. You're gonna love it."
"Good. Let's race tonight."

Two hours later, everyone is finally ready for the race. Vince takes Mia with him, Jesse and Leon are riding his Jetta and Dom comes with his Red Mazda.

After they arrive at the venue in Ladera Heights, Hector - an old friend of Dom - walks towards him and extends his hand.

"Dominic Torretto. Good to see you again, man. When did you got out?"
"Today, shit? And you're back here already? Didn't wanna waste any time, huh?"
Dom nods while flirting with a group of girls who are walking by.
"That guy over there is running the race." Hector informs him and points with his finger a person, who is standing a few meters away from them.
"Race is about to start. You're four drivers. The boys shouldn't be a problem. The red '93 Subaru SVX over there and this Audi S8."
Hector shows and lights up his cigarette.
"But Letty will make it rough for you."
He continues with a grin.
Hector nods at an approaching vehicle and Dom recognizes the person behind the wheel.
It's Letty Ortiz. Mia's best friend who lives down the street from them. She used to hang out with the the Torettos day and night. She often helped out in the garage and was able to repair cars like a professional even at such a young age.

"Letty? What are you doing here?
Mia asks surprised when the Latina gets out of her black Ford Torino Cobra in front of her and the boys.

Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now