Race Wars

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The next morning

"Good Morning. Breakfast will be ready soon."
Dom replies with a yawn to his little sister when they meet in the hallway.
Since he hasn't closed his bedroom door completely behind him, Mia can see a sleeping girl on his bed.
She rolls her eyes and thus shows him her disapproval.
"Why am I'm not surprised?"
"Huh?...Mia, wait. It's-"
"Forget it."
Without letting Dom finish talking, she makes her way back downstairs.
When Mia closes the kitchen door behind her a few minutes later, she can't believe who she's looking at.
"When did you come?"
"Uhm, yesterday."
She smiles at the dining table next to Dom.
"Yesterday?...Wait, was that you on Dom's bed?"
"Oh my god! Really? Ahh, I'm so happy for you guys!"
Mia immediately puts the coffepot she's holding on the table and gives her sitting best friend and brother a hug.
"Oh guys! And I thought you were just another of Dom's one night stands."
Mia laughs and pours everyone coffee.

When Dom and Letty arrive at the garage an hour later, they are still alone.
"Wow, look at this. Can I take care of him?"
"Sure...Came in yesterday."
Dom informs his girlfriend when they look at the black 1990 Jaguar XJ6 in front of them.
Letty circles the sports car, examines it and finally opens the hood.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing. The owner just wants to tune it up a little. New intercooler, new kit and chip system. The high-pressure pump has to be changed too. Jesse and Leon are getting the stuff from Harry."
She replies happily and immediately pushes the tool trolley towards her to start removing the interchangeable parts.
"Hey, stop! I can't concentrate."
Letty scolds, laughing, when Dom suddenly stands behind her a little later and wraps his arms around her.
"I can't. You look so sexy."
Both can no longer resist each other and begin to kiss passionately.
"Okay, so that's what I call a surprise."
"Oh yeah."
Surprised, both break away from each other and see Jesse, Leon and Vince standing at the entrance to the garage.
"Guys, we wanted to talk to you about it. Later."
Letty explains, a little ashamed.
"You don't need to. All good."
Leon assures them and receives a nod of agreement from Vince.
"Did you got everything?"
Dom asks his buddies when they put their boxes on one of the workbenches.

After the team finished work 6 hours later, they decide to throw a barbecue at Dom's and Mia's house.
While Dom lights the grill, Vince and Leon buy drinks and snacks. At the same time Mia and Letty prepare the food with Jesse's help.
"I can't believe you're finally together."
Mia rejoices while cutting salad.
"Yeah, still feels sort of strange. Really tried to fight it."
Jesse asks and takes a couple of plates out of the cupboard.
"Cause I was scared...You know, what could happen if it didn't work out for us."
"I think if you didn't try, you'd think about it all your life and the 'what if' would drive you crazy."
Mia explains and Jesse agrees.

After they've finished with the preparations, the three walk into the garden, where Dom, Vince and Leon are standing in front of the grill.

"Finally, I'm so hungry, man."
Vince cheers when everyone takes a seat at the table.
"How about a grace, brother?"
Leon asks him, amused.
"Good idea!"
Mia laughs.
"Well...How do you do that again?"
"Dude, don't tell me you've never prayed before."
Leon asks with a laugh and passes the bread basket to Mia.
"Yeah, but not like that."
"Try it, come on."
Letty smiles.
"Okay...Dear God, thank you for blessing our table with all this good food. Thank you for bringing us all together and protecting us. Amen."
The others repeat and start eating the barbeque.
"Well done buddy, almost poetic."
Jesse praises him with a grin.
"Thanks man."

After everyone has finished eating and clearing away the dishes, the six spend the rest of the evening in the Toretto living room.

Leon brought a couple of videotapes and after the group has agreed on a film, everyone settles down on the couch to watch Robert De Niro's and Al Pacino's 'Heat' together.

"Now that's what I call that a shootout!"
"Awesome, isn't it? The shots sound so real."
"Heard they used real guns in the movie."
Vince, Jesse and Leon comment on what is happening on the screen.
"I think I'm gonna buy an M4 like that."
"Are you serious?"
"Sure, man. Just in case."
"You're insane."
Dom replies on the couch, while cuddling with Letty.
"Oh really? You wanna tell me you don't have any guns in your house?"
"Of course I have, but you're talking about an assault rifle."
He replies and everyone continues to watch the exciting action thriller.

Late at night, after the boys have returned home, Dom and Letty cuddle in his bed.
"What's wrong? You're so quiet."
Letty asks and lays her head back on his chest.
"I'm thinking."
"About what?"
"Everything. It's nice how it is. And I don't know how to deal with it."
"What do you mean?"
"After all the bullshit over the last few years, I almost forgot what it's like to be happy. And now this feeling almost scares me, you know? I don't want to lose this again."
"You won't and you know, this time you and Mia don't have to go through everything alone. Me and the boys are there too. Hey...I promise you, I'll stay by your side. No matter what."
Letty assures him and they start kissing and undressing...

"Does anyone know where the next race is gonna take place?"
Jesse asks when the team is working in the garage the next evening.
Everyone is there, including Mia, who just arrived with Vince.
"No idea. Nobody has called me yet. Way more cops have been spotted in the streets this week. It's far too risky to race right now."
"Yeah, they got smarter."
Jesse comments on Leon's information.
"I have an idea."
Letty announces and everyone looks at her.
"We organize an racing contest. Somewhere in the desert or wherever the cops don't get wind of it that quickly."
"Sounds good. And I already know where."
Dom comments and the others agree.
"Can you finish that? I wanna see something with Letty."
He asks the boys and receives an nod from Leon.

A moment later, the couple leaves the garage in his red Mazda.
When the two arrive at a large airfield in Lancaster half an hour later, Letty looks at the huge property with a smile on her face.
"You like it?"
"Yes! How do you know this place?"
"Vince and I used to practice racing here sometimes. The fields have not been used for years."
Dom tells with a smile and the two return home.
"Did you thought of a name?"
"For what?"
Letty asks in the passenger seat.
"For this contest."
"No. You have one?"
"How about Race Zone or Race Wars."
"I like Race Wars."

The next day, the team drives to the abandoned airfield and prepares everything for the event. It doesn't take long for the first people to arrive and gradually the place fills up with dozens of vehicles.

"What's up, amigos?"
"Hector, welcome."
"Nice location, man."
Dom nods and they shake hands.
"So how does it work? Any rules?"
Asks one of Hectors friends.
Now a large number of the people standing around are also listening.
"No rules. Just drag races."
Dom replies out loud so that everyone can take note of the information.
Hectors friend replies and the first drivers start organizing their races.
About 6 cars compete against each other in two groups and dozens of bystanders are gathered at each match.
Amused and proud, Letty, Dom and the others watch what is going on in front of their eyes.

And now Jesse also decides to be the first team member to race - with his father's Jetta.
"Get the money, bro."
Leon cheers him on before he gets into the car. He wins the race against a dark blue '79 Fiat Spider and shows his friends the money he has won.
Dom, who's watching the races with the rest of the group, looks over at his girlfriend.
"You like it?"
"It's even better than I imagined."
Letty beams, sitting on his hood.
"So who wants next? Mia?"
Vince asks with a grin and crosses his arms.
"What, me?"
"You are the only one called Mia here, girl."
"I don't know. I've never done that before. What if I lose? It's too risky."
"Man, come on. You can do it. You've won against Jesse and me before, remember?."
"Yeah, but it wasn't about money and I think you let me win."
"Try it, sis. Nobody will blame you if you lose."
Letty promises her.
"Okay, but y'all better don't scold later."
"Go Mia, Go Mia, Go, Mia."
Leon cheers.
"Don't upshift too early."
Dom calls after her as she goes to her red Acura Integra.

She wins the race and gets hugged by Letty and the others after she receives the cash from her rival.
"That was so good, I'm still full of adrenaline!"
Mia beams and her friends are happy with her.
"You are clearly a Toretto."
Dom laughs.

"I'm next."
Dom holds Letty's hand as she takes a step forward, pulls her close and gives her a kiss.

Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now