Ride or Die

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2 days later

It's monday morning. Letty gets into Jesse's Jetta to ride with him and Mia to school.

"See you later."
Jesse says goodbye to the girls when the friends arrive at the building and Jesse joins his classmates.
"So, how did you get home on Saturday?"
"Got a ride."
Letty replies as they walk through the front door of the school.
"By whom?"
"Adrian? He was there? I didn't see him at the party."
"He came when I was outside."
"Why are you asking?"
"We were worried."
"Who's we?"
"Well, me and the boys. When I went outside to check on you and you were gone, Jesse and I were looking for you. Then Vince came along and right after him Dom as well. At some point I picked up the phone and called you at home."
"I was sleeping already. Grandma told me about your call the next morning."
Letty remembers. "See ya."
The friends ways separate to go to their classrooms.

"Another F. I hate this fucking school."
"Me too."
Letty and Mia complain when they meet in front of the exit 6 hours later.
"Why are we doing this anyway? I mean, you work at the market and I at the garage. We don't need this shit at all."
"You're right...Hey, look who's there."
When Letty looks around, she recognizes Adrian standing a few meters away with his friends.
"Shut up."
"Okay, okay."
Mia chuckles as the two walk up to Jesse's car and get in. He parks Mia at the Toretto market and then drives on to the garage with Letty.

"Hey guys."
"Hey Let."
Vince and Leon say hello, who are working on a red Hyundai Tiburon.
"Need help?"
"Nope, you can take care of that car over there."
Vince replies, who's in the process of dismantling the Hyundai's bumper.
"What should I do?"
"NOS installation."

Hours later, the friends finally take a break. Dom got them pizza and now all five are sitting together.
"Hey Let, when are you gonna get a new car?"
Vince asks and devours a slice of his salami pizza.
"No idea."
"We could look around later."
Leon suggests and receives a nod from Letty.
"Hey, that was mine!
Jesse yells angrily when Vince grabs the last slice of pizza.
"Leave him alone, Jess. Dude has to collect winter fat."
Leon jokes.
Everyone except Vince roars with laughter.
"I'm hungry, man."

After work, Leon and Letty drive off to find a new vehicle for her. But the search was unsuccessful. The cars were either too expensive or Letty didn't like them.

"So, did you find anything?"
Jesse asks on the couch, next to Vince and Dom, when his friends enter the Toretto house.
Letty shakes her head.
"We could win a car at the races."
Jesse thinks out loud.
"Sounds good."
Vince comments and grabs a pack of Cheetos on the table.
"What if you lose yours as well?"
Letty asks doubtfully, leaning on the couch next to Leon.
"Not gonna happen."
Dom assures.

Later that day, the friends prepare for the race, which this will take place in Maywood.
"It's kind of cute, isn't it?"
Mia says while she and Letty dress up in her bedroom.
"Well, the fact that the boys want to win a car for you."
"Yeah, really nice of them. But it wouldn't have been necessary if my slow ass hadn't lost."
"Come on, just forget it, okay? You're good Letty, really! Think about how many times you've won! I know the boys would probably never admit that, but you're the best driver after Dom. And do you think they would do this if they didn't believe in you?"
"Don't know, I guess you're right."
"Of course I am...Anyways, did anything happen between you and Adrian?"
When it comes to follow-up, Mia is really a pro.
"Well, you've been so weird all week everytime we see him at school."
Mia notices while doing her makeup in front of the mirror.
"No...uh, he kissed me, okay."
"What?! You kissed?!"
"Mia, Letty!? Get your asses down here."
They hear Vince calling.
"You ready?"
Mia nods and the two leave her bedroom.

Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now