The First Race

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"What does it look like to you?"
Letty replies as she approaches the group.
"Aren't you too young for that?
Asks the grinning Dom.
"Aren't you just out of prison?"
Letty counters with an even bolder grin while crossing her arms.
"So, y'all wanna race or nah?"
Hector asks the two amused.
"Of course."

When Letty turns around to go to her car, she's getting followed by Leon and Mia

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When Letty turns around to go to her car, she's getting followed by Leon and Mia.
"Let, that's a bad idea."
"He's right. You have no experience, let alone a driver's license! What if something happens?"
"Jesus, can you guys stop already? Nothing's gonna happen."

She is a good mechanic and knows everything about cars. But Letty has never competed in street races before, since the boys have always denied her participation, saying she was too young and didn't even have her own car.
When she turned 15 and received her grandfather's old Ford Torino Cobra as a birthday present, Leon and the others gave her their approval. She then spent the next few months tuning up the coupé and practicing the drag race with Jesse and Leon in the parking lot of the Dodgers Stadium.

She's been waiting for it for so long and won't let anyone stop her!
The young Latina starts her vehicle and drives to the starting line - where her three opponents are already waiting.

The race begins and Dom is leading. Letty is right behind the second and it doesn't take long before she leaves the Audi S8 driver behind.
She triumphs after a look in the rearview mirror.
Letty gets closer and closer to Dom...
"Not bad."
He comments with a smile.
After a sharp left turn, Letty caught up even more and is now driving right next to Dom's Mazda.
Both look at each other almost in time and he signals with a big grin and a wave that he will roll by.
While trying to leave Letty behind, Dom loses control of his car and crashes into Letty's Ford.
After a few seconds, she gets out of her wrecked car, coughing, and walks over to his vehicle.

"Dom! Dom...We need to leave!"
Letty pulls open the Mazda's door. Then she puts her arm around his shoulder and pulls him out of the vehicle in pain.

"Letty! Fuck, what happened?!"
She hears a voice screaming from afar and realizes that her friends, Hector and a few other people are running to the scene of the accident.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?"
Mia screams in panic.
Leon arrives and carries Letty in his arms.
"Your arm...Shit!" The frightened Leon realizes loud after he placed Letty in the passenger seat.
To stop the bleeding, he presses a shirt that was on his back seat over the cut.
"My car..."
"Don't worry, Hector will take care of it."
He replies and drives off.

"He replies and drives off

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Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now