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"You going already?"
Mia asks in surprise when Letty walks straight from the stairs to the front door.
"I'm tired. Bye."
"Okay. Bye."

Once home, Letty tosses back and forth in bed all night long, thinking about the kiss with Dom. Her heart wants him. But she knows too well how the racer treats girls. She has seen it often enough with her own eyes. Never would she want to be treated like that! Why is he doing this now? Is he through with all the other girls in the area? Yup, he's starting to run out of chicks. Or is this just another stupid challenge from the boys? Why else should he suddenly be interested in her? Hundreds of thoughts run through her head until she finally falls asleep hours later.

When Letty arrives at the garage the next morning, she meets Leon and Dom. The latina moves immediately towards the black '92 Ford Escort and begins her work, after a short hello.

"You good?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Don't know...You're so silent."
"I'm just tired."
She explains to Leon, who's cleaning his tools a few meters away.

When the three take a break and Leon leaves the garage to get pizza from next door, Dom seeks to talk to Letty.

"Can we talk...About yesterday?"
"Let's just forget about it."
"I can't."
"Dom, I don't know why you're doing this, but please stop."
"What do you mean?"
"You've known me for six years and now it suddenly occurs to you that you have feelings for me?"
"Tell me how to prove it and I'll do it."
"Dom, please." "Seriously."
He smiles and wraps both arms around her hips.

"Wow, what's going on here?"
Leon asks surprised, when he sees his two friends standing intimately together.
Letty replies and breaks away from Dom's arms.
"Alright...Let's eat."

About two hours later, Letty leaves the garage to replace Jesse in the market.
Leon uses the moment to talk to his buddy in private.
"What was that, dawg?"
"Come on, man. You and Letty. Are you together?"
"Don't fuck around, okay. I'm serious." "Me too."
Dom explains and both continue their work.

Almost at the same time, Letty arrives at the market and sits down in front of the counter without saying a word.

"You good?"
Mia worries and serves her friend a cold Sprite.
"Your brother's crazy."
"Tell me something new."
Mia replies with a laugh as she wipes the counter clean with a rag.
"What happened?"
"He kissed me. Yesterday. In the hallway."
"That's why you left so quickly."
"You know what, he claims to have feelings for me!"
"Yeah, you're right. He must have lost his mind."
"I was just joking. Come on, go on."
"He just told me the same at the garage "
"I don't get it. Since I've known you, you've been in love with him. And now that Dom tells you that he's also into you, you're blocking him?"
"Mia, please. You know the way he treats girls...I'm just probably the only girl missing in his collection."
"But maybe it's different this time, with you. Give him a chance."
"And then? After he used me, I'm history, like all the others. I couldn't visit you anymore, couldn't work at the garage any longer. It would ruin everything."
"I know."
Mia mumbles saddended.

"Are you coming over later?
"I can't. We have guests. My Uncle from Cancun is here. Haven't seen him for years."
Letty explains when they close the market later that evening and return home.
"And tomorrow?"
"Don't know. But I'll come to the race."

"Dom, can we talk for a minute?"
Mia asks her brother when he comes into the kitchen and opens the door of the refrigerator.
"Are you serious about Letty?"
"Mia, are you really asking me this right now?"
"You know I never cared about your love life, but she's my best friend. I don't want you to hurt her."
"I would never do that. Trust me."

The next night Mia and the boys ride to the venue for the street race, which isn't far from the Toretto house.
After the five have got out, they stay next to each other in front of their cars.
"Letty's over there."
Leon informs the others.
She, too, has now recognized her friends and is on her way to meet them.
Dom exchanges eye contact with her for a brief moment. Then he gets in his Mazda and drives to the starting line.
As expected, Dom wins the race and dozens of people immediately gather around him when he gets out of his car. Of course there are also many girls who try to flirt with him and compete for his attention, which Letty can also observe a few meters away. She now turns around and goes to her Nissan, gets in and drives away.

Shortly after leaving the venue, she notices a car right behind her. It's Dom! He followed her and stops next to Letty at the next traffic light.

Both look each other and can't help but smile.
"Wanna race?"
"Sure. Where is the finish line?"
Dom announces with a smile and they both get ready.

When the traffic light turns green, full throttle is given immediately and after a few hundred meters both get out in the entrance of the Toretto house.

"You are a lucky man."
"That's true."
Dom smiles and walks slowly towards Letty.
"I was close, you know if..."
"I'm not talking about the race, I'm talking about you."
"Listen...You're right, you are not like the other girls... You are better. Took me a long time to get it, I know. But it's the truth. You are the only one I want."
He clarifies with a smile and gently caresses her cheek with his hand.

They kiss passionately and shortly afterwards disappear into Dom's garage, where they sleep together for the first time...

Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now