Boyle Heights

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2 months later
Dom enters the garage hungover. Last night was wild. At Hector's Party he had picked up this hot blonde whose name he doesn't even remember...
Dominic doesn't have to worry about the girls. It's as if he's attracting them magnetically.

He almost slept through today if Letty hadn't woken him up with her phone call.

"Jesse, where are the others?"
"Mia and Vince are in the shop. Leon's coming later."
He answers busy at the Computer.
"What do we have here?"
"Just arrived. The owner wants a complete renewal. Jesse's just finishing up the plan."
Letty explains, as she is about to change the fuel filter on the white '89 Chevrolet Camaro.
"Dom, we need a lot of spare parts. And we are slowly running out of NOS."
Jesse informs.
"Call Harry. Tell him I'm on the way."
"Alright, boss."
Dom looks over at Letty, who's cleaning her oil-smeared hands with a towel.
"Wanna come with me? I don't think all the stuff will fit in the Mazda."

"Thanks, Dom. I'll call you as soon as the orders come in-"
"Hey! These are our kits!"
Dom turns to see a group of Asians running towards him and Letty.
"Johnny, I'm sorry but he was faster. The next delivery will be in 3 days. I could reserve some for you..."
Harry tries to explain behind the cash register.
"That was our order, sucker!"
Johnny's cousin Lance interrupts him.
"Try to be a little faster next time!" Letty comments cheekily.
"Big mistake, Toretto."
Johnny grins with an evil look. He turns around and walks towards the exit.
"See you soon."
He shouts and the gang leaves the shop.
"What the hell was that?"
Letty asks, confused.
"You have to be careful. These Vietnamese are really no fun."
Harry warns both of them.
Dom and Letty leave the shop and drive back to the garage, where they work together on the Camaro for hours.
"Hey, you're still here."
Mia notes when she and Vince enter the garage.
"What time is it?" Letty asks lying under the car.
"Ten to eight. We got you something to eat."
The friends put their work down, wash their hands and grab their portions.
"Where did you get these sandwiches from?"
Jesse asks with a disgusted face.
"Mia made them."
Vince informs with a laugh.
"It's the worst sandwich ever." "Don't exaggerate." Mia gets upset.
"It really doesn't taste good."
Letty laughs.
"You know what, next time I won't bring anything."
"Sounds great."
Jesse comments and gets promptly pinched in the upper arm by Mia.
The friends laugh and continue to eat. "Are there races tonight?"
Dom asks.
"Heard there was a drag race in Boyle Heights."
Vince replies. "Good."

When the six arrive at the meeting point three hours later, Dom is immediately embraced by several girls, which Letty observes with annoyance. She walks now to Hector, who's counting bills next to his car.
"Hey. Are you racing tonight?"
"Just won, mi cariño. But the next round is about to start."
He grins proudly.
"Is there a free place?"
"Yeah. You can give the money to that guy over there. He's running the race today."
Leon comes up to Letty to talk to her. "Remember, don't switch to early."
She nods and gets in her Ford Torino Cobra.
The drag race begins and Letty wins easily.
"Well done, Let." "You keep getting better."
Vince and Jesse congratulate her, after her hug with Mia.
Now Dom comes along with a dark blonde in his arms. "Well done."
He praises her with a smile.

A few seconds later another group of cars arrives. As the people get out, Dom and Letty recognize familiar faces.
"There you are, Toretto."
"What are you punks doing here? This is our area!"
Vince roars angrily.
"I thought this was a free country?"
Johnny laughs.
"I'm ready."
"What's the bet?"
Jesse asks.
"The bet?"
Johnny repeats with a malicious grin.
"When I win, I'll get your garage."
"The garage? no fucking way, faggot!"
Vince hisses in between.
"And when I win?"
Dom asks and crosses his arms.
"Then I'll spare your life, you son of a bitch!"
Johnny yells and runs towards Dom, but is held back in time by several guys standing around.
"Hey! Race or piss off!"
"Alright...If I lose, you get 5,000 bucks and my word."

Both drivers walk to their cars.
"Dom, you sure? We could lose the garage, man."
Vince reminds his best friend, even if he knows he can't change his mind.
Dom will never back down!
"Trust me."
He replies and gets into his Mazda.
Dom wins narrowly and when he gets out, Johnny approaches him.
"Give him the money."
Tran demands of his people and they obey his orders.
"Take this as a final warning, Toretto. Stay away from my businesses and my family."
Tran threatens and gets into his car.

"Oh shit the cops!" Shouts a voice in the crowd.
"Go, go, go!"
The place empties in a flash.

"Mia! Get in! Hurry up!"
Letty yells in her car and Mia follows her order.
"Fuck, they're right behind us!"
Letty tries to stay calm and find a way out. But the cops are hot on their heels. If they get any closer, they will identify the Torino!
"Wall! Wall!"
Mia screams.

"Are you okay?" "Ugh...Yes..."
Mia mumbles.
Letty starts the car again and hits on the gas pedal.
Somehow the two managed to get rid of the cops.
When they arrive home, the boys storm towards them worried.

"What happened?" "Are you okay?" "Shit, they're hurt!"
"We were chased by the cops and then I crashed into a wall."
Letty explains.
"You get rid of them?"
Vince asks nervously and receives a nod from her.
"You're bleeding." Notices the startled Dom.
"Just a scratch..."
Leon immediately fetches a first aid kit and treats the wound on Letty's shoulder.

Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now