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"Your turn."
Letty hears a voice calling while she and Dom are still staring into each other's eyes.
"C'mon, Spin the bottle."
Asks someone else from the circle and his words have reached her this time. She sits down in her seat again. Dom does the same and she turns the empty beer bottle on the floor.
"Yeah, baby!"
Steve cheers, when the bottle is pointing at him.
"Hey! why so fast? He complains as she quickly pulls away from the kiss.
"I'm tired. Wanna go home?"
Mia asks and receives a nod from Letty. While Mia says goodbye to her friends, the Latina walks out in a hurry.

Dom spends the whole night thinking about the kiss with Letty.
The Toretto has kissed dozens of girls in his life, but never has he felt anything like this before. He knows he has feelings for Letty.
It became very clear to him when he accidentally heard that Letty had slept with someone. Those words felt like knife stabs in his heart.
And having to watch her kiss someone else in front of his eyes at that Party was worse than any defeat he had ever experienced. But Dom isn't the type of guy that talks about his feelings, not the type of guy that falls in love, and certainly not someone who puts efforts into girls. Why Letty he wonders. She is a good friend, loyal team member and co-worker. He doesn't want to put this friendship at risk...But she's really amazing and not like any other girl that ever walked into his life. She's cool, smart, and pretty. Letty would do anything for her friends, just like Dom. She races almost as good him and knows as much as him about cars. She's like his female counterpart...

"Get up sleepyhead!"
"What time is it?" Dom asks yawning, after Mia woke him up with her knock on the door.
"Half past three. Your food is in the microwave."
"Where you going?"
"Letty. Staying at her's tonight."
"No school tomorrow?"
He calls after her. "Uhm, It's summer break?"

After Mia said hello to her best friend's grandparents, she heads into the racer's bedroom.

"Yes! Thanks for holding my back, sis."
"No worries."
Mia wants to go out with Kyle tonight so she lied to Dom and the guys.

While Mia is doing her makeup in front of the mirror, Letty makes herself comfortable on her bed.
"Need something for protection?"
"No, thanks. I was at the pharmacy this morning."
"You know when Dom woke up? Half an hour ago! Crazy, isn't it? And he was back home shortly after me last night."
"Did they smoke something again?" "No idea...Your kiss was so amazing." "Come on."
"No, seriously."
"It was just a drinking game kiss." "No, it wasn't. All others before and after maybe. But not that. Definitely not that."
"Mia, you imagine too much."
"Oh, really? And why didn't you kiss the weird guy like that?"
"Cause he was a walking ashtray." "Would you kiss Leon, Jesse or Vince like that?"
"Are we in court now?"
"Say it Let."
"Why are you asking, if you know the answer."
"Cause I like to."
Mia grins with a wink.
"You're stupid." "And you're in love." "I'm not."
"You are!"
"I'm not!"
"You aaare."
"Shut up! You're in love."
"Yes, I am. Hey! My make-up!"
Mia complains after Letty throws a pillow at her.
"You'd be such a great couple."
"Can we change the subject please?"
"Okay, okay. Could you help out in the market tomorrow? Isabel is ill and the new goods will come in."
"Yeah. What time?" "Thanks. At 10."

Not having to go to the garage tomorrow triggers some relief in Letty, cause she can postpone the awkward reunion with Dom at least for one more day.
"Mia, there is someone at the door for you."
Letty's grandmother calls from below.
"Have fun. And take it easy, okay."
Letty advises her best friend before she goes downstairs.
"Thanks. See you tomorrow!"

When Letty arrives at the Toretto Market & Cafe the next morning, she meets the relieved Mia behind the counter.
"Oh, thank you. You are the best!"
"What should I do?" "There are two pallets over there with goods that need to be sorted in."

"Hey Let, you wanna eat something?"
Mia asks the mechanic 2 hours later, which is busy behind the shelves.
"What do you w-"
"Hands up!"
"Oh my god!"
"Give me the fucking money!"
"Put your gun down, now!"
Letty yells.
Mia recognize a pistol in her friend's hand. The robber gives in and runs away seconds later.
"I...Oh god."
"You okay?"
Mia replies, shaking.
"Call the boys."
"The boys? What about the cops?" "They won't do shit." The racer claims and Mia follows her instructions.

Just a few minutes later the guys show up completely outraged in front of the market.
"Are you okay?" Vince asks full of anger.
"What happened?"
Dom wants to know.
"I was talking to Letty and suddenly this guy was standing there with a gun. Told me to give him the cash."
"And then?"
"Letty pulled her gun and he ran away."
"What?! Letty, you have a gun?"
Vince and Leon comment in surprise.
"Grandpa gave it to me for my birthday. Said he could sleep better then."
"I don't know what would've happened if she hadn't been here."
"One of us should always stay here."
Vince demands.
"What about the garage?"
"That's no problem."
"He's right, someone should always be here for safety."
Dom agrees with his best friend.
While Jesse and Letty ride to the garage a short time later, the rest of the group stays at Mia's Market.

A few hours later they all meet again at the Toretto's house.
"So, what are we doing tonight?"
Vince starts the conversation in the living room.
"Please nothing criminal. At least on this day."
Mia replies, while coming out of the kitchen with a six-pack of corona.
"What about bowling?"
Letty rejects Jesse's suggestion.
Leon throws in and everyone agrees.

"Y'all think what I'm thinking?"
Vince grins as the team stops at an empty intersection a few hours later on the way home.
"Next traffic light is the finish line."
Leon explains, in Vince's passenger seat.
"Loser's gonna clean the garage for a week."
Vince continues.
Dom laughs, who has Jesse sitting next to him.
"Need a head start?"
Leon asks provocatively in the direction of Mia and Letty.
"Shut up!"
Mia hisses back in the passenger seat, laughing.
Dom, Vince and Letty look impatiently at the traffic light and accelerate when it finally turns green.
Dom arrives first , closely followed by Letty.
"You know where to find the stuff, right?"
Letty shouts with a laugh as all three cars come to a stop at the red light.
"That was pure luck."
Vince claims.

Back at the Toretto house, everyone sits down on the couch again.
"Shit, my shirt." Letty complains after she spilled some salsa sauce on herself.
"You can take something outta my closet."
Mia offers and Letty goes upstairs.
Once in her friend's room, Letty grabs a black tank top from her closet.

When she closes the door and turns around, her breath stops when she sees Dom suddenly standing in front of her in the hallway.
"It's okay."
"I wanted to thank you?"
"For what?"
"Helping Mia...You're always there for us."
Letty bows her head in flattery, but Dom lifts her chin slightly up and brushes a strand from her face. They look deep into each other's eyes before Letty can feel his lips on hers. The kiss quickly becomes more intense, until Letty abruptly withdraws after a few seconds.
"What's wrong?" "We shouldn't make a mistake."
"It doesn't feel like a mistake to me."
He smiles.
"Aren't you afraid of the consequences?" "What consequences?"
"What do you think will happen if this continues. I don't want our friendships to be broken."
"It's not gonna happen."
"How do you know?"
"Cause I've feelings for you."
"Don't say that." "Why?"
"I know you, Dom. I've seen how you treat girls countless times."
"You aren't like other girls."
"Wow, thanks."
She replies offended.
"Letty? Where are you?"
Both hear Mia calling from below.
"I'm Coming."

Dom & Letty: How it BeganWhere stories live. Discover now