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"This is Wonwoo." Jisoo said as they approached a large table, where a cat hybrid sat, dark brown hair and Grey ears.

He wore a leather jacket and a thin black velvet collar with a tiny bell hanging from it. His nails painted a matte black.

"Nice to meet you Wonwoo. I'm Hannie." Hannie said about to sit  down in what he thought was a empty chair, until he saw a moving shadow in it.

"Oh yeah, that seat is taken. Ghost things." Wonwoo laughed. A boy with platinum blode hair and suddenly became visible.

"My name is Hoshi! I'm a phantom nice to meet you!" Hoshi said holding his non transparent hand out for the angel to shake. "You're very pretty." Hoshi said as Hannie's face went pink.

"Thank you." Hannie said sitting in between Hoshi and Jisoo. 
And one by one, more of Jisoo's friends joined their table.

Woozi, and a taller person with black wolf ears and a tail joined them. "Oh hi Woozi!" Hannie smiled as Woozi's eyes lit up.

"Hannie! Good to see you again." He smiled. "This is Mingyu." Woozi points to the wolf hybrid who held his hand out excitedly.

"Kim Mingyu, your new best fri-" Mingyu couldn't even finish his sentence before he was dragged out of his seat.

"That's my cha- oh hello!" A boy with dark brown hair and the same ears as Jisoo sat down where Mingyu was sitting.

"I'm Boo. Boo Seungkwan the greatest person you will ever meet." Seungkwan said shaking Jeonghan's hand.

"Are you a siren too?" Hannie asked and Seungkwan shakes his head. "You may think simply because I sing WAY better than Jisoo over here. But nope, just a plain old mermaid." Seungkwan joked.

"Oh don't pout Jisoo, your a wonderful singer." Seungkwan added as he pinched the olders cheek.

"Hey, what did I miss?" A boy who seemed around the same age as Seungkwan asked as he sat down next to mermaid and handed him a iced coffee.

"Oh. Wait you made friends with the new kids! Yes!" Another boy cheered with a large smile.

"I'm Seokmin, or Dokyeom, but Dk is the easiest name. I'm a warlock! And that's Vernon he's a shapeshifter!" Dk said.

"I'm Hannie nice to meet you both." Hannie said, that was going to be alot of names to remember.

"DK! DK! DK!" A young voice yelled frantically as he raced up to the table. "I messed up. BIG TIME!" The boy with pointy ears panted out.

"That's Dino." Jisoo whispered to Hannie to nodded as they all turned to see what Dino was holding.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a frog. But it had tiny dragon wings. "Holy shit- don't tell me that-" Wonwoo gasped.

"Yeah. That's The8." Dino mumbled.

"YOU TURNED THE8 INTO AN ACTUAL FROG?!" Hoshi screamed in shock as Dino had to keep a tight hold on the frog to keep him from jumping away.

"Yes! And I don't know how to fix it- WAIT THE8!" Dino yelled as the frog finally escaped from his grip and started hopping out of the cafeteria.

"I GOT IT!" Dk said grabbing his wand and with one simple spell, mid leap, The8 turned back into a person as he crashed directly into another student.

"The8?! Where have you been? I've been looking for you all morning." The other student asked in Chinese.

"Stuffed in Chan's pocket. Because that IDIOT turned me into a frog. Now I'm going going set this kid on fire." The8 said angrily as he got up and stormed back over to the table.

"Woah woah woah. Let's calm down! I'm sure it was an accident." The other said grabbing The8 by the arm and pulling him away from torching the poor elf.

"Can you guys figure this out some other time, we have a new person with us today." Jisoo motioned to Hannie.

"Oh you must be the new hybrid student everyone is talking about! I'm Moon Junhui, the one and only Huli Jing Fox hybrid." Jun smiled as he bowed.

Jun had burgundy red hair that went well with his white ears. He had nine tails and the ends were orange. "I've never met a mystic fox before." Hannie said in awe.

"Well there isn't many foxes out there now." Jun shrugged as he sat down next to Wonwoo. "And that's The8." Jun pointed.

Hannie's eyes followed Jun's finger to where a boy sat at the far end of the table. He had a mix of purple and red dragon wings that rested against his back similar to how Hannie's wings rested against his own back.

"Nice to meet you The8."  Hannie said leaning forward to hold his hand out too the dragon.

"Nice to meet you too." The8 gave Jeonghan a small smile as he shook the Angel's hand.

Just Like Magic {Jihancheol}Where stories live. Discover now