Chapter Thirty-Three

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⚠️TW violence⚠️

It was a long flight home, and since Han partied a bit too hard with the birds of a feather last night, he definitely didn't wake up on time.

So Seungcheol had carried him for the beginning duration of the flight home. Finally Han woke up and changed into Hannie so the griffin wouldn't have to carry him all the way home.

"Their home!" Dino shouted as he and few others waited for them on the bridge. "Welcome home!" The Elf shouted happily.

"How was Carnival?" Jisoo asked hugging Hannie first before hugging his boyfriend, not forgetting to peck the Griffin's cheek.

"It was amazing, everything was stunning and beautiful!" Hannie said excitedly.

"See I told you it would be fun! We'll gonna have to talk about it tomorrow at lunch, I'm sure your tired." Jisoo said.

And both of them were definitely tired. "Yeah I certainly am, but I have to go find Mingi. I promised I'd meet up with him when I got back." Hannie said as he said goodbye to the rest of his friends.

However before he could even get to Mingi's door, he felt someone grab him and yank the angel into a random bedroom.

"What the fuck?!" Hannie yelled turning into Han incase he needed to fight, but even if he could, their was too many people holding him down.

"Well well well, look what we have here. The famous hybrid." A female said from a desk chair as they tied Han to a chair.

"Mute him." She sneered as one of her goons stuffed a rag into Han's mouth to act as a gag.

"Don't worry this won't hurt that much." She sneered, and upon closer look Han could tell she was a vampire.

They were all vampires.

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