Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"I'm so sorry Han." Mingi said as he sat on Han's bed, using one of The8's many hand fans to try and cool down the still very warm devil.

Turns out that female vampire was one who had a obsession like crush on Mingi and when Mingi rejected saying he liked someone else.

She thought it was Han since he was the only other person Mingi really talks too. So she tried to get rid of him.

Wonwoo, Mingyu and Seungcheol were in the headmaster office, because they did engage in a fight, even if it was to protect.

They thankfully were going to face that huge of a punishment, the worst being a week of lunch detention and a earlier curfew.

"Its okay Mingi." Han tried to reassure the vampire but it still made Mingi feel really guilty.

While they changed the topic to take both of their minds off the situation, a knock on the door stopped their conversation.

"I'll get it." Mingi said opening the door to reveal a very worried Jisoo. "Han it's Jisoo." The vampire called over his shoulder.

"Let him in." Han said as Mingi stood aside to let the siren inside the room. "I'll give you 2 some alone time." Mingi said. "I'll be back later Han." The vampire added as he shut the door behind him.

"Sorry to bother you guys, I just had to come visit, make sure you were okay and all that." Jisoo said nervously as he sat on the bed next to Han.

"I'm okay, just a bit shaken up." Han admitted as he looked down to see the bandages on the sirens arms. "Did I do that?!" Han asked in shock.

"Its okay Han." Jisoo said as Han gasped, so he did infact hurt Jisoo. "I'm alright, just a few burns." Jisoo said, despite the fact they both knew it was a lie.

"I would go through hell and back to make sure you are safe." Jisoo said cupping Han's cheek.

"Hell isn't that bad." Han chuckled nervously as he could feel Jisoo inch closer. And before the devil could say anything else, the 2's lips met.

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