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Hannie went on to the next class instead of Han, which was Potions election. That he had with Dk and Dino, but since the 2 sat together, Hannie had to find another seat.

So he ended up next to another elf, a Chinese male with pure platinum silver hair, he knows that because he actually asked. But the Elf's name was Winwin.

"Nice to meet you Winwin!" Hannie smiled as he shook the Elf's hand. "Nice to meet you too Hannie. If you ever need help with a potion, don't be afraid to ask me for help!" Winwin smiled.

"Thanks, but I know my potions." Hannie winked as their teacher, a Elf who addresses himself as Mr. Young K, but everyone calls him Brian.

For today's lesson, they were working on a potion that would turn a pile of rocks into drinking water.

It was a complex spell, but Hannie actually knew it- well acutally Han did. He used it when he went camping with his mom.

So to everyone's surprise, Hannie took the ingredients and mixed them in the mixture bowl and poured the substance over the glass of stones.

Everyone in the class turned to see Hannie's glass, as the rocks melted into clear water. "And that's-" Hannie said taking the glass and taking a large sip.

"How you make water." Hannie smiled as the class and YoungK applauded him.

"How did you do that?! That potion took me forever to master!" Dino said in shock. And truth be told, it took Hannie awhile to learn and master, but when he stayed in heaven.

All he did was stay in his room most time, which lead to him studying every single book he could get his hands on.

"Well done Mr. Yoon I am very impressed. You'll fit in just well here." Young K said as Hannie smiled.

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