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"What the fuck is chasing us.!" Han yelled as Mingyu tightly held onto his hand as they ran away from one of the monsters chasing them.

"I don't know! All we know is Dk and Eunwoo are sworn enemies destined to try and kill eachother any time to see eachother!" Mingyu yelled.

Somehow they ran too deep into the forest they had corned themselves, and that THING was getting closer.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Han noticed a large crater hole in the ground. So without thinking, he body slammed the creature in the direction.

And with one final kick he managed to get the thing to fall. The downside: it dragged Han down with it.

They landed with a thud on the dirt. The monster instantly clawing at Han who kicked it in the face.

As the Devil tried to climb up using the vines, the monster grabbed Han and drug him back down before wrapping its arms around Han's neck, cutting off air flow.

With really no other option he could think off, Han reached behined him, his hand landing on the creatures chest.

He ripped its soul out.

They both landed on the ground, the Thing lifeless, it's blood soaking Han's clothes. "That's disgusting." Han said turning into Hannie.

Hannie, who was appalled at the sight by his feet, he flew out of the hole and landed where the others were.

"Are we all okay?" Seungcheol asked doing a head count to make sure everyone was there. "Hannie? Are you okay?" Seungcheol asked motioning to the angles neck.

From where the monster tried to choke him left 2 slight slashes on his neck and bruises.

"Oh yeah- I'm fine." Hannie muttered as he tried to wipe some of the blood off his uniform.

"We should get back to the university." Jisoo sighed as they all agreed.

Just Like Magic {Jihancheol}Where stories live. Discover now