Chapter-Twenty Three

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"Are you sure you're okay with me going? Seungcheol said you have been to his home in forever." Hannie asked Jisoo as the 2 sat on the bridge.

"Hannie, it's fine seriously! It was my idea to have Seungcheol take you!" Jisoo reassured the angel. "And plus Carnival is for flying birds and animals. I can't fly." Jisoo he pointed out.

"And even though I could swim there. I don't trust the water there enough. I'm not much of a swim in the jungle type person." Jisoo added.

"Okay if your sure. Wait- I'm meeting his family aren't I?!" Hannie asked, his eyes widening in realization.

"Yeah, well Seungcheol's parents are one of the main hosts for the Carnival so I'm sure he'll introduce you to them eventually." Jisoo shrugged as Hannie buried his face in his hands.

"I am gonna make a fool of myself! I cannot talk to adults for the life of! I have a hard enough time talking to my own aunt and uncle!" Hannie whined.

"You'll be fine Hannie! Don't stress. Mrs and Mr Choi are both really nice. And you'll like his little brother Jongho." Jisoo said placing a hand on the angels shoulder.

"I just hope they like me." Hannie said as he leaned back onto warm stone of the bridge.

"They will. And hey, have fun for me!" Jisoo said laying down on his back next to the angel.

"What will you do while nearly everyone is gone?" Hannie asked. Jun told him that this was normally the time many students leave to be with their families for the weekend.

"I'll probably go home too, I have a step brother at home, he's been begging me to come visit him." Jisoo answered with a smile.

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