Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I can't believe you!" Wonwoo shouted at Mingyu as they stood in the middle of the wolves bedroom. Both equally pissed at eachother.

"Me?! YOU RIPPED MY FUCKING CURTAINS TO SHREDS!" Mingyu yelled back motioning to the ripped curtains.

"That's only cause I tripped over the stuff your awful at picking up and putting away! And there not in shreds!" Wonwoo pointed out, the curtains only had a few tears from Wonwoo's claws getting caught.

"And I was only in here to retrieve my computer that you broke!" Wonwoo added, he specifically didn't remember giving Mingyu permission to take his laptop without asking.

"I didn't think you'd mind if I borrowed it, we share stuff all the time!" Mingyu fired back.

"Common stuff! Like shoes and clothes, stuff we agree on both taking! Not electronics!" Wonwoo yelled, letting his anger get the best of him.

"What went through your tiny dog head to make you think that I'd be okay with you taking it?!" He asked pinching his nose bridge.

"Look Wonwoo I'm sorry." Mingyu started, but Wonwoo had already lost it, so without thinking, he swung his hand, making direct contact with Mingyu.

The force of the hit had sent the Werewolf tumbling to the ground. Wonwoo stood over the younger, eyes wide in shock.

He didn't know what scared him more, the scared look in Mingyu's eyes or the cut on his cheek, which already started bleeding.

Sure both of them have been mad at eachother before, but neither one of them had taken it as far as laying hands on the other.

"Gyu- I'm sorry." Wonwoo said dropping to his knees infront of the wolf, reaching out to cup the youngers face, but Mingyu just shook his head and scooted back.

"Get out." Mingyu growled, his eyes glowing, so without another word Wonwoo scurried to his feet and out of the room.

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