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Han swung his foot under the Devils legs, knocking him on his back with a thug. Han grabbed the sword and held it against the Devils neck.

However, it was never that easy. The Devil kicked Han in the gut, jumped to his feet and swung a punch, nailing Han right in the jaw.

"Must you put so much strength into a punch?!" Han groaned as he rolled to the side to avoid what would have been a stab to the chest.

"Could never seem to stay on your feet could you." The Devil snickered as Han got back up on his feet, jumping on the other. He wrapped his legs around the Devils throat and threw them both to the ground.

The 2 tumble out into the hallway, wrestling eachother to see can stay on top. Han was at a disadvantage, because he didn't have any sort of weapon unlike the other Devil.

Han finally got the upper hand as he grabbed the sword and pointed the tip, slashing the Devils left arm.

"Oooh this is a nice sword. Is it new?!" Han asked as he took off running down the hall, trying to distance himself from the Devil.

However the other caught up to Han quite fast, Devils have pretty fast speed. He tackled Han and started dragging him by his foot.

Right into the cafeteria.

"You brought this upon yourself." The Devil said throwing Han onto a table, the cafeteria fell silent as many turned to see the sight occurring.

"Your such a pain in my ass." Han rolled his eyes as he grabbed a fork and plunged it into the Devils shoulder. "A LITTLE BITCH TOO!" Han gave him a tiny wave before jumping to the next table.

Han dodged a flying apple, only to get hit in the head by an orange. "REALLY!? FRUIT?!" Han yelled.

"I thought you liked fruit?" The Devil snickered as he grabbed a knife from the silverware tub and threw it in Han's direction.

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