Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The8 brought Han down to the catacombs of the school. "These were designed for if a student lost control of their abilities or powers." The8 said as he ditched his coat at the door.

"They are fireproof too." The8 said as he pushed the large door shut. "I know that for a fact." He added with a sigh.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Han asked breathlessly, his body felt like it was burning him to a crisp, from the inside out.

"Scream." The8 said simply. "Let go of all the emotions in your head and heart, and just scream."

"I don't think I can." Han said, shaking his head. He knew he had too, he could feel his head start to spin more and more.

"Yes you can Han, it's going to be okay." The8 nodded as Han slowly nodded along with The8. "Now take a deep breath, and scream."

The8 used his wings to shield himself, because even though this room is fireproof, his clothes were not. And this outfit was too expensive to be burnt.

Han exhaled deeply as he felt all his pent up emotions start to overflow, and then, he let out the loudest and most earth shaking scream ever.

Flames sparked to life as they danced around the walls. Han's scream seemed to last him minutes before his legs gave out as he fell to the ground out of exhaustion.

"Han? Do you feel any better?" The8 asked softly as he placed his hand against the devils forhead, sighing in relief when Han's temperature felt normal.

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine. Wow that actually worked." Han said before immediately turning into Hannie, causing the angel to huff.

"He says he's fine but yet immediately goes into hiding." Hannie rolled his eyes.

The8 was about to make a comment before a loud booming sound shook the catacombs, and probably shook the entire school.

A Thunderous boom

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