Chapter-Twenty One

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Dino thankfully knew a potion that would remove the blood from his uniform. The only downside was it took FOREVER.

"Hey Hyung what are these?" Dino said holding up Han's bottle of souls he keeps.

"Souls. Han eats them." Hannie said plugging his phone on the charger.

"So- these are the souls of people you killed?! And you just eat them?!" Dino asked in terror.

Apparently that was alarming to the Elf that Han need to eat souls in order to live.

But at the moment Hannie, cared more about not scaring off Dino, which could potentially lead to him losing his new group of friends.

"Oh no, don't worry, Han doesn't eat them, I was uh- joking! Yeah they're just prized possessions." Hannie lied.

Dino seemed skeptical, but let it go. Thankfully a knock on the door changed their attention to something else.

"Hey Seungcheol, what's up?" Jeonghan asked opening the door to see the Griffin hybrid.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come to Carnival this weekend with me? Its in my home- uh nest?" Seungcheol asked.

"You mean? The forest?" Hannie asked and Seungcheol nodded.

"Its a huge festival all the bird hybrids throw, it last the whole weekend." Seungcheol said with a smile.

"But I'm not a bird?" Hannie pointed out.

"You don't need to be a bird. The Carnival is just hosted by birds. All you need to do is be able to fly!" Seungcheol convinced him.

"Alright, when do we leave?" Hannie asked as Seungcheol smiled widely.

"We'll leave Friday evening!" He said with a wide smile.

"Well- uh while you 2 talk, I need to go find Dk." Dino said sliding past the 2. "He's probably moments away from spiraling out of control." Dino said.

"What does he mean by that?" Hannie asked Seungcheol when the elf left the room.

"Dk's emotional are very- extreme. When someone makes him happy it's visible, he'll be so hyper and excited, when he's sad he'll shut nearly everyone out. And when he's angry..." Seungcheol trailed off.

"What happens?" Hannie asked, even though he could guess what the Griffins answer would be.

"He gets destructive."

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