Chapter Forty-Nine

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Han woke up the next morning with a semi-headace, probably from all the crying.

He tried to sit up but couldn't, either from the fact he technically hasn't been controlling the body for a whole week.

Or because of the 2 who have trapped him in a trap like hug, after realizing he wasn't getting free any time soon, he plopped back down on the bed.

"Mmm good morning." Jisoo said as he tightened his hold around Han's waist, pressing a kiss on the hybrids shoulder.

"Good morning." Han chuckled lightly as he ran his hand through Jisoo and Seungcheol's hair.

"What time is it?" Seungcheol groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, squinting as the sun shined through the curtains into his eyes.

"Too early for me to care." Jisoo said as he snuggled closer to Han.

"Its 8am, we have class in an hour." Han said as he checked the time, though he gave up the thought of getting up.

"Perfect, more time to cuddle." Seungcheol lazily cheered.

The rest of the school day seemed to go normal.

It was nearing the end of Han's final class, Dark arts when Jinyoung asked Han to meet him out in the hall.

"Don't worry Han, your not in trouble, I'd just like to tell you about our new student." Jinyoung explained.

"I know it's a long shot of you knowing him, but he's an angel." He added as he immediately got Han's attention.

"Yeah- I don't know that many angels, I spend most of MY time in the underworld." Han explained as Jinyoung nodded.

"Fair enough, his name is Bak Yoonhwa." Jinyoung said, it didn't seem to ring any bells in Han's head.

"I'll keep my eye out, it'll be hard to miss an angel." Han smiled as Jinyoung nodded and dismissed him back to class.

He was right, it WAS hard to miss an angel.

Especially when they walk into the cafeteria with pink hair.

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