Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Seungcheol! You're here!" A female Griffin cheered as she landed on the branch of a tree and tightly hugged Seungcheol. "I've missed you." She sighed.

"I've missed you too mom." Seungcheol laughed as his father joined the hug. "And you too dad." He added.

"I see you brought a plus one finally. I didn't know you and Jisoo broke up." His mother whispered as both Seungcheol and Hannie's eyes widened.

"Oh no no no! He and Jisoo are still together. We're just friends, I'm Hannie nice to meet you both." Hannie clarified.

"Yeah Hannie just transferred to an Ode not to long ago, I thought it would be nice for him to experience some fun like Carnival." Seungcheol added.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you Hannie. I hope you have a wonderful time. Come find us if you need anything." Seungcheol's mom said hugging the angel.

"Thank you." Hannie smiled as he hugged her back. "And you must be Jongho. Seungcheol's little brother." Hannie said to the younger Griffin.

"I am! I didn't know Seungcheol was friends with an actual ANGEL!" Jongho said in awe. "Can I touch your wings?" He asked politely.

"Ofcourse." Hannie smiled as he extended one of his wings out for Jongho to lightly touch.

"Your so cool!" Jongho said with a wide smile. "What powers do you have?" Jongho asked question after question.

"Jongho cal-" Seungcheol started but Hannie sushed him.

"Cheol it's fine. I don't mind answering questions. It's not everyday you meet an angel." Hannie laughed as he placed a hand on Jongho's arm.

So the 4 of them found a hollow tree house to sit it. "The way you guys live is so beautiful." Hannie said to the Choi brothers.

They talked what for felt like hours. Jongho and Yeosang asking the angel many questions about his powers.

"You know, I'm more than an angel." Hannie said to the 2.

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