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The 13 of them continue to chat about anything that could come to their minds, and all was going good until Dino knocked his glass of water over.

And the water spilled directly onto Han's left wrist and hand. They all froze as a sizzling sound came from Han's wrist as he quickly dried his hand off.

"What was that? Is your skin really that hot?" Jun asked placing a finger on Han's arm, it felt normal though.

"Oh, it's sorta dumb to explain... I have Pyrokinesis, and whenever my skin as Han comes in contact with water, it triggers the Pyrokinesis so it's like pouring water onto a hot stove." Han explained.

"Is that why you can't go into the water?" Jisoo asks, recalling their first encounter on the bridge.

"That and I can't swim so yeah." Han nodded as as Hoshi high-fived him. "Don't worry I can't swim either!" The phantom laughed.

"He also can't play that fancy piano. Like what Phantoms are known for!" Mingyu teased as Hoshi grabbed the wolf's ear and tugged on that.

"Okay okay! That's enough you two!" Wonwoo said prying Hoshi's hand off of Mingyu's ear.

"Your lucky your boyfriend is here to protect you." Hoshi rolled his eyes as Mingyu growled at him.

"Awe poor puppy." Han giggled as he reached over and scratched behined his ears as Mingyu smiled and leaned into the touch.

"Oh you made someone happy." Jun laughed pointing to Mingyus wagging tail.

"So Han, what other powers do you have?" Dino asked reaching his hand to Han's out before Seungcheol swatted it way.

"Don't even think about it." Seungcheol warned. "Dino can absorb powers through contact and he's not allowed to do it without that person's consent." Seungcheol explained.

"Good to know, but here, why don't you find out." Han said holding his hand out to the Elf.

Just Like Magic {Jihancheol}Where stories live. Discover now