Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Won?" Jun asked knocking on the cat hybrids door. "Can I come in?" He asked as he waited for Wonwoo to reply.

"Gosh I really wish I could just walk through walls." Jun sighed as he turned the door handle and too his suprise Wonwoo's dorm room was unlocked.

Jun, who's room is right next to Wonwoo's, could hear the angry footsteps running into Wonwoo's room. And the slamming of the door was also a dead give away something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" Jun asked seeing Wonwoo curled up in a ball with his comforter wrapped around his body.

"I don't want to talk about it." Wonwoo muttered as he wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he had been crying.

"And we know that doesn't get us anywhere." Jun said sitting down on the bed, reaching to grab Wonwoo's hand.

He paused when he took the cat hybrids hand to realize Wonwoo's hands had turned into claws. "Your claws are at?" Jun asked.

"It was an accident okay!" Wonwoo fired back as he tried to rip his hand out of Jun's grasp but Jun just gripped it tighter.

"What was? What happened?" Jun asked keeping his voice steady and calm. "Wonwoo I want to help you, I obviously don't like seeing you upset." He added.

"I got angry, and... I ended up hurting Mingyu." Wonwoo said, admitting it hurt just as much as him doing it.

"How bad was he hurt?" Jun asked, still a bit shocked that something like that would happen, sure Mingyu and Wonwoo have fought before. They were the classic cat and dog trope.

"Just a cut on his cheek, but the size of the cut still doesn't change the fact I physically hurt him." Wonwoo said.

"Well how about this..." Jun started as he began getting of the bed. "We give your claws a little relaxing spa day and me and you can talk it over with some food?" Jun asked.

"I'd like that." Wonwoo smiled.

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