Kismat 2 Chapter 1: Ali

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It was midday. The sun was hiding behind some clouds.

A transporter full Prisoners was driving into the prison.

The transporter stopped at the inclusion station.

A guard opened the door.

Guard: "Come on. Get out!"

A young man stepped out at first. All the new prisoners were gathered and were put to stand in a line.

A guard pointed at a door with his finger.

Guard: "Go in. One by one."

The young man walked in at first.

As he went in there were three guards at a table.

Guard 1: "Name!"

Young man: "Sajid Ijaz."

Guard 2: "Sajid Ijaz. There it is."

The guard opened a box and gave Sajid his prison clothes.

Sajid took them and went forward.

After all the securities checks Sajid was finally in the main building of the prison.

Sajid: "Now it is time to find him."

He check every corner and every room for a specific person. But he it was all helpless.

Then he came to the open place, where every prisoner could do whatever, they want.

Sajid: "What should I do? Ah let's ask somebody."

Next to him were two prisoners.

Prisoner 1: "Hey, have you heard. Ali himself beat up 10 prisoners at once. After the fight, those prisoners had to be taken to the hospital, because if not they really could have died."

Prisoner 2: "Yeah. Do you remember when he beat up the biggest and strongest prisoner here alone. Ali is really amazing."

Sajid: "Hey, excuse me you two. Do you know where I can find a prisoner called Atif?"

Prisoner 2: "Atif? Never heard of him before."

Prisoner 1: "Me neither."

Sajid: "Oh ok, thanks anyway."

Sajid < Damn, Atif where the hell are you? You have been here for 5 months, but still are unknown here. >

Harven: "Hey, you! Freshman!"

A group of five big men were approaching him.

Sajid: "Yes?"

Harven: "We have rules here. Anyone new here has to salute to us. We are the strongest ones here. Now bow."

Sajid: "Dream on."

As Sajid was going to walk away, Harven stopped him and pushed him to the ground.

Michael: "Hey. Haven't you heard him? We are the ones who make the rules here. If anyone resist against us, we beat him up or even kill."

Sajid < I have to find Atif, I don't have time for this. Damn it. >

Harven: "I guess he is deaf. Let's open his ears."

Michael approached Sajid and pulled him up.

Sajid was pressing his hands into fists. Ready to punch.

As Michael was going to punch him, a big stone hit him from the behind.

Michael felt down and was shouting from the pain.

Sajid < What was that? >

Harven and the other three looked around.

Harven: "Hey! Who was that?"

A lean and muscular man walked to their direction. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and had a scarf covering his face.

Harven was going at him.

Harven: "You!"

Then suddenly he removed the scarf from his face.

Harven and all the others were frozen from fear.

Sajid looked closer and was shocked.

Harven: "A, Al, Al, Al, Al, Ali."

It was Atif.

Harvin was trembling while standing before him.

Sajid < No way that this is Atif. The muscles, the beard and that look in his eyes. He has changed so much. But why did he call him Ali? >

Ali: "You are getting cocky. You are forgetting, who the king is."

Harven was stuttering while talking: "N, No. I. I was just joking. I treat every new one as my own brother."

Michael: "Yes, yes."


Both Harven and Michael flinched.

Ali: "Maybe I have been too soft with you."

Ali kicked Harven in the knee and broke it.

Harven felt to the ground and was shouting because of the pain.

Ali: "Remember that pain and your now useless knee."

Sajid was confused.

Sajid < Is this really Atif? I have never seen him before like that. >

Then Ali walked away.

Sajid stood up and followed him.

Ali sat down at a tree.

Sajid came to him.

Ali: "What are you doing here?"

Sajid sat down next to him.

Sajid: "I have come for you."

Ali: "Why for me?"

Sajid took out something from his shoe.

Sajid: "The security is pretty low here. Here"

It was a ring.

Ali looked at it and remembered all the beautiful moments with Shiza. It was the ring he gave her on her birthday.

Ali took it and glared at it.

Sajid: "Once I saw how Shiza was in the garden and threw it into a campfire. Luckily, I had an iron pliers at my hand and somehow I managed to take it out there."

Ali: "She threw it into the fire?"

Sajid nod.

Ali stood up and some tears were visible in his eyes.

Sajid: "No you look more of the Atif I know, Ali."

Atif: "This ring meant a lot to me."

He wiped the tears from his eyes and put on the ring.

Sajid: "But tell me one thing. Why do they call you Ali?"

Atif: "Because that's my name here. I named myself after Fawaz's second name, so I could remember every time when someone call me Ali, what happened to me. So could feel the rage and the pain every damn time. What happened to me was well planned. They wanted to get ride of me. Kill me."

Sajid: "But who? Tell me everything that happened to you."

Atif smiled.

Ali: "What should I tell you? It was dark and goes back a few months."

Next Chapter "Dark time"

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