1 - A Night...

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It was a Friday and Sebastian Stan was in Brooklyn a few days earlier than expected. Filming was set to begin in the city next week and he wanted to show his buddies around his stomping grounds before they had to crack down and focus on work.

He currently has an apartment on the edge of Manhattan, but he also grew up north of the city in Rockland County. He traversed the city so much in his youth, that he knows Manhattan to Brighton Beach like the back of his hand and he loved to tour people around the city whenever he could. He loved being able to show everyone all the hidden gems of the city that always got overshadowed by the usual touristy locations.

Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie came to the city a few days early as well, upon Sebastian's request. They checked into their hotel around six o'clock that evening and had Sebastian meet them there.

When he pulled into the parking lot, he hadn't realized he was holding his breath. He was relieved as he put his car in park. Normally fans would quickly find out filming locations and their hotels and would flood the entries in hopes of catching a glimpse of the actors, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that wasn't the case...at least not yet. It was only day one of them being in town after all.

Both Anthony and Chris' rooms were right next to each other on the third floor. Sebastian was offered a room on the same floor, but he turned down the offer, deciding to stay in his own apartment, a handful of blocks away.

They all agreed to meet in Chris' room, to relax and hang out for the evening to unwind and adjust to the time change from Los Angeles, then maybe head out for dinner.

When Sebastian had talked to them on the phone, he figured they would pass around a few beers and kick back but he was in for a shock when he knocked on the door and it instantly opened. He saw Chris holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and vodka in the other. This...was going to be a night.


Sebastian noticed the alarm clock on the side table said it was now 9:00 pm. Wow. Okay. He had hoped to drive them down to Brighton Beach today to hit up his favorite bars on the strip, but they were all five shots deep at this point...or was it six?

Chris was sitting on top of the dresser swinging his dangling feet, Anthony strewn across the large queen size bed with his head hanging upside down off the side, and Sebastian was sitting at the small oak desk, slowly turning himself back and forth in the swivel chair.

A baseball game played on the tv in the background but none of the men seemed to spare any attention its way. They were in a deep conversation that was first sparked by Anthony saying how "someone at Google was like 'yeah, just have someone drive down every road on fucking earth.'"

Somehow, the conversation had eventually gotten twisted and turned and was now about how, according to Chris, "Lemons are not naturally occurring and are a hybrid of oranges and citrons."

This fact made Sebastian laugh heartily. He leaned back further in his chair, sticking his arms out, miming his brain exploding and said "So life never gave us lemons, we invented them ourselves." The men started laughing hysterically at the ridiculousness of the conversation.

Their giggles and laughs slowly died down, wiping away their laugh induced tears. They all sighed, almost in unison, causing them to start laughing again.

Once they died back down again, stifling their drunken giggles, Chris asked Sebastian, "So, what are we supposed to be seeing this week, oh, wise one?" Adding a slight bow at the end.

Sebastian flung his hand up and down in return in a bowing fashion, stifling another giggle. "Well, I was gonna leave it up to you guys but I definitely wanted to show you guys around the.. Brighton Beach area...It's got great bars..and...stuff.. to see." He shrugged at his own words, unconvinced by his own sales pitch. He slowly swiveled his chair back and forth.

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